
Erika set the end of February as the latest that we should submit our designs for our wedding favors. Friday, Feb 25 rolled by and I still have no design at hand. I sure am in a fix. Hence, Anna’s (nutatafish) post in W@W saying she can do cartoons for some co-w@wies was really an answered prayer.

An answered prayer that’s so pretty and creative and very much in line with our theme that I can’t stop feeling hoity-toity when I look at it. There was some crazy point during the weekend wherein Hubbie and I can’t agree yet where to use it in that Anna made a couple other designs so that we won’t have any difficulty matching the cartoons on wherever we plan to use it on our other wedding details.

Anna barely knew me. But she has been most generous with sharing her talent and design inputs. Anna, thank you so much! You’ll be blessed even more. 🙂 Thankful for W@W as well for being the venue of such love sharing. 🙂

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3 thoughts on “cartoons!

  1. Pingback: Rustic-travel themed wedding guest giveaways « On Chocolate Hill

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