one month, a new header

Funny how days can just slip and fly by and then wham! Before you know it, it’s been a month after your wedding.

Thirty days after our dream wedding in Caleruega. Almost three weeks since we flew back here in Yokohama. Luggage yet to be unloaded and the library and bedroom are still pictures of chaos. Fortunately, because we pushed through with our housewarming a week after we came back, living room, dining room and kitchen are in some sort of order already. There’s still more that’s yet to be done though.

Thirty days! And I guess it’s high time we replace our header for one that we had from our wedding. Since our blog’s launching, we had been using this picture from one of our prenup last September in Minato Mirai, Yokohama with our friends-officemates-photographers Russell Olaguer and Douglas Cataylo.

 As with the new phase in our life, time to change our header as well.

Thank you much Russell for the great pictures! Sa uulitin! 😀

New photo courtesy of Dino Lara.