Jelly in PET bottle

When I buy from the vending machine, it’s usually very easy to select what drink I wanted. Sometimes I just look at the drawing at the label and decide what to buy without actually reading what’s written on it (for now I can only read hiragana and katakana).

Was very thirsty and I wanted something different from my usual caffe latte/milk tea/apple juice fare so I opted for this pear/nashi.


I only read about the “La France JELLY” after opening the cap and finding out that I can only drink a sip.

Now, why would one put jelly in a PET bottle? How can one scoop out the jelly?
an update
When I bought the bottle and realised it was jelly I bought, I shook it about three times every now and then for about one hour. No change. Turns out you have to shake it 10 times.


I don’t like jellies actually. But this one? I think I’m gonna buy again the next time I see one in the vending machine.

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