A couple days back, our washing machine gave a warning that one of the filters needs cleaning. Pressure drop high alarm, basically.
On a seemingly different instance, I lost my earring yesterday. Noticed it around 4pm at the office.
Then this morning, while doing a load of washing before heading for office, the washing machine finally alarmed high liquid level. It just will not drain owing to clogged drain filter. I had no choice but to open the drain via the filter pull-out nozzle. Of course water came gushing out, flooding the area. I let some water out just so the machine could drain a bit and continue to run.
As I was wiping the flood off the floor, amid all the dirt/wet dust, I found my missing earring. The cap wasn’t on it but I found the expensive part so I’m already happy as it is.
One of those times you end up being thankful despite a seemingly bad event.