Counting blessings: 24 weeks to go

Accomplishments for this week:

  1. Hubbie already received our ROM. yey!
  2. I received Hubbie’s DHL package containing our marriage certificate and other necessary documents required by the Church
  3. Mama was able to send me my Baptismal and Confirmation certificates
  4. Because of items 2 and 3, I was able to send our documents both to Lipa Chancery and to Xavier Parish via LBC earlier this evening. It’s expected to reach its destination by tomorrow. I hope Ivy and Sally, respetively, can receive it then.
  5. booked flights
  6. drafted our itinerary for December – January holidays
  7. got body measurements of Mama, Okasan, sis-in-law Mayumi and Carl and forwarded to Tita Linda (Entourage couturier)
  8. applied for passport renewal at DFA (uber looooong queue!!). DFA really has to get down on how to have a better system.

Things to look forward to next week:

  1. Ocular inspection with Ville Sommet (again) and Hacienda Isabella (full, exciting story later once everything clears up)
  2. Cindy’s (Bridesmaid) gown-fitting
  3. Hubbie’s visit to Ministry of Japan
  4. shoe-size fitting with Solea
  5. more flight bookings and hotel bookings
  6. (hopefully) receive clearance from Lipa Chancery
  7. (hopefully) receive endorsements for both wedding banns publication and Pre-cana seminar from Xavier Parish (the Parish handling Caleruega couples)