battling pregnancy fatigue

I was again extremely fatigued today. Even before I reached the train station this morning, fatigue has been weighing me down already. It’s the same kind of fatigue I felt back in the first trimester and also a couple or so weeks back before I started taking iron supplement. But I was already out so I trudged on, and just walked and moved about in the office as slow as I can.

Hence I was really thankful that hubs was able to be home early this evening (he had to renew his driver’s license) and cook pregnancy super food.

Grilled salmon! For the omega 3 fatty acids and DHA.


Sautéed spinach and mushroom. Spinach for iron, vitamin Bs and the ever important folic acid. Mushroom for additional loads of vitamin Bs, C and D.


When I arrived (fatigued but I still worked overtime), the table was already set for dinner, complete with Mexican mangoes for dessert and Yakult.

Thank you Hubs. You are really a treasure.

Now I’m a bit revived. I’m hoping this fatigue would be totally gone by tomorrow morning. The problem though is that sleep is still evading me. Sleep, do come now. I have an important meeting with Client tomorrow.

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