Baby diaries: a family visit and our 4d experience

Hi Baby! We had our checkup again yesterday, a bit more thorough than the last couple of visits had been and longer time with the ultrasound machine since your measurements had to be taken, after a month when it was taken last. Yes, we have more photos of you this time and also quite a number with you captured on 4d! There’s no doubt this time, after the 4d; you’re definitely a girl. 🙂

But it was pretty interesting because the moment the nurse changed from 2d to 4d, it was at that time that you started crying. Haha. So your face was all contorted and such. But thankfully after a while, you settled down and went back to a peaceful slumber so you got quite a lot of decent photos as well. Your Ojichan and Aunt Mayumi (yes they’re here to visit dad and mom and you!) saw your photo already and I can’t wait to show it to your Obachan and Mama and Papa and Uncles.

Ob said your measurements are fine (thankful!), and not big at all like what everyone has been expecting. But Mommy has put on so much weight and fat than is necessary (the nurse had to push on my tummy at some point during the ultrasound because my “layers” we’re too thick. Ouch) hence Ob strictly told me to lower my calorie intake. And I guess I have to follow him and learn to curb my cravings because last Thursday and Friday, the terrible pain that strikes me whenever I stand up from sitting down/lying in bed was really too much. So, no more ice cream (your dad seem to be also craving for this quite a lot recently) and cake for us for the next two months.

And as I said, your Ojichan and Aunt are here! We’ll pick them up in their hotel later this morning for a bit of sightseeing. Ojichan advised though that it’s best to buy your stuff now while it’s still not so hot and I’m smaller and your Aunt also want to go see baby stuff in malls so we’d probably go shopping around for your goods.

Ja, have to prepare now baby lest we’ll be late for the meet up. 🙂