Steam cooked shrimp and scallops

Thought of following Yui’s way and go for the healthier option – steaming our dish for dinner.

I wanted to achieve this.


But I can’t read the instructions. I can read at least that it takes 10 minutes to cook it. And that aside from the scallops and shrimp, there’s mayonnaise and curry flavor on it. Am not too keen on curry so I bought this instead:


The cooking paper was easy to find thanks to Mayumi being around.

I thought of adding mushrooms too.


End result.


Total time from preps up to the steamer’s “ting” is 20 minutes. Loved it how Hubs loved the resulting taste. 😀
Experiment, a success!

Lessons learnt for next time though: I want bigger scallops, the ones that I really like and will use fresh shrimp next time, not frozen ones.