The little things that count

As Hubs has pointed out, I am such a paranoid and OC Mom. But as protective as I am with our daughter, I am at least at peace that she is taken cared of well at daycare (there actually are times I’m the one pressured, like making sure there’s at least two kinds of vegetables on the menu!).

Today was such a rainy and windy day but I wasn’t that worried (well, aside from the difficulty and unsafeness of maneuvering the baby stroller on one hand whilst holding an umbrella on the other hand whilst battling the strong wind and hard rain) because Yui had a rain cover over her stroller and her daycare bag was waterproof. The bag was obviously waterproof yet we were really touched how Yui’s teachers made the effort of putting the daycare journal (where both parents and teachers write Yui’s activities at home and at daycare) inside a plastic bag so that it won’t get wet.


Little things like that somehow comforts me that they can be trusted with big things.