life with a toddler: conversation between oyabaka/overdoting parents

Hubs: Have you seen Yui’s latest drawing that got posted at daycare wall? It already looks like an illustration; with composition; not like a toddler’s impromptu drawing anymore. There’s a pond, fish. And tree too. ….oyabaka desu ka ne……

Me: Er….. if you are pertaining to the drawing I saw yesterday, you certainly are oyabaka hehe. I’ll check later if we’re talking of the same drawing. 

~a couple of seconds~

Me: hmmm. I haven’t interpreted it as you do but I actually think Yui’s drawing is the best in her class. Haha, fine, I admit I’m oyabaka. Admit you’re oyabaka too. 

I checked at daycare. We were really talking of the same drawing. I have to have some crash course though in arts appreciation. 😀