Dec 3 – something to be thankful for

Had an interesting evening. We went to Shimbashi for bounenkai (忘年会) with people who graduated from same high school as Atsushi. Interesting because attendees were of different generations and different walks of life – oldest being retirees and us being youngest, one worked in the World Health Organization and one a dentist etc etc. Thankful because Atsushi was so proud of me that he brought me with him to the gathering. We were the only husband and wife there. Thankful because they all welcomed me and thought very highly of me. And proud because they all told me how kind Atsushi is. 🙂
Thankful as well for this yummy strawberries that one woman alumni gave me and Atsushi.


A backgrounder: Bounenkai is the Japanese equivalent of Christmas party or thanksgiving party, held usually around December with the intent of gathering round to celebrate the year that was.

One thought on “Dec 3 – something to be thankful for

  1. Pingback: what is bounenkai, really? « On Chocolate Hill

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