the happy pregger

Receiving a warm email on a Monday morning is like a harbinger to a great workweek ahead. And when topped off by a surprise work of art, featuring you no less, you’re sure to start the week beaming with positivity.

From an esteemed mentor-friend, all the way from Houston, David Coyle. From the man who reminds me of the Bible adage

to one who has, more will be given.

Indeed, not just gifted with intellect and wit and sportsmanship, but with talent as well! Care to agree with me? 🙂


The caption of the email (which I plagiarised here as the title of this post hehe) surely equates with the big smile on my face. And as I reflect, yes, I sure am a happy pregger. Indeed. 🙂

I love how my pregnancy badge was included in this watercolour painting.

Thank you David for this. Most importantly, thank you for the time you spent in doing this. This will not be forgotten. 🙂