Dear Amazon, can you please be more earth-friendly?

We usually order my pre-natal vitamins online as we find it cheaper. One bottle only costs us less than 50% of how it costs in Akachan Honpo or Babys R Us. (A bottle costs around 2500yen in the mall whereas online, we just had it at 1001yen.)

The thing is though, like all of the other Amazon deliveries we’ve had, the size of the box doesn’t seem to be proportional in size to that of the delivered item. Look!



Even though I’m only the recipient, it makes me feel guilty to receive such a big box for a purchase that’s quite small. Comparing with the deliveries we’ve had with Rakuten, Rakuten packaging seems more proportional.

And mind you, the disproportional size is consistent whether we order from Amazon US or Japan.

This is a simple call to Amazon to be please more responsible with their carbon footprint and be a bit more earth-friendly.
This by the way is the prenatal vitamins I’m taking; two tablets a day which gives me 400mcg of folic acid, 155mg calcium, B vitamins, iron and vitamin D. Am taking separate calcium supplement though since it’s not everyday that I take my milk and even when I have one, it’s still below the RDA for pregnant women.


4 thoughts on “Dear Amazon, can you please be more earth-friendly?

  1. hi w@wie sis πŸ™‚ i always read your blog, sipag mo mag update hehe πŸ™‚ btw bago na url ng personal blog ko πŸ™‚ – lau & she

    • Hi sis. πŸ™‚ thanks to mobile blogging, i can blog anytime, anywhere: something to do while queueing or waiting for the train. πŸ™‚ I’m not as masipag nga eh kasi supposedly I should watermark our photos hehe. Read your latest entries. Looks like it was an enjoyable HK trip! πŸ™‚

  2. This is what I dislike about Amazon din! We use Johnny Air for shipping kase, and they charge based on the size of the package, napapamahal tuloy kase malaki ang box! At least with eBay I can ask the seller to ‘please make the package as small as possibe.’

    By the way, what prenatal vitamins do you take? We just found out that I’m pregnant. πŸ™‚ We haven’t made any announcements yet, though.

    • Oh Dea, congratulations!! How far along are you? It’s best to get started with folic acid as early as possible. You’d probably read abut it later how important it is and that your OB would probably stress on it. Wait, i’ll take a photo of the vitamins i’m taking and include it in the post. It’s a Japanese brand. I take a separate one for calcium pa.

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