Happy New Year 2014!!!

Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!!


The year that was has some heartaches for me, where friendships are concerned, from the first month and right to the last month. But the inner struggles somehow gained me wisdom – that the friendships were blessings right at the time that they should be in my life. That probably the friendships weren’t meant to last. That I should be thankful that at some point in my life, I had their friendships and that those friendships blessed me (and hopefully them too). That probably, we have to move on, to be better persons. Someday our paths may cross again; and who knows those friendships might yet be rekindled. But until then, I would just have to be thankful for the time we’ve been together – be it in laughter and tears, joy and sorrow. And with these experiences, I am yet reminded again to cherish and nurture the relationships I have now.

And yes there are lots to be thankful for too! Me going back to work (and be being able to wholly take care of Yui for eight months! What career mom wouldn’t be thankful for that? It’s like getting the best of both worlds), Yui going to daycare, Yui celebrating her first year in the Philippines, Hubs’ overseas business trips and safe arrivals, us finding our perfect place paving the way for yet new beginnings, good health for us and our loved ones, good food to enjoy with love ones, and so much more other blessings besides. I welcome the new year with a grateful heart, Lord. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, the new year! The new year has lots of exciting NEWs for us. And with this is our fervent prayer that our decisions be guided by Him and that it be according to His plans for us and that these NEWs will see us with more love and laughter. We’re excited to receive the blessings you have in store for us this year, Lord! ๐Ÿ™‚