baby diaries: I’m sorry

Mommy has been drafting two blog posts – your inclination on figure skating and our favourite Japanese books – for two weeks now but Mommy hasn’t gotten around yet to finishing them. But this one Mommy has to write.

You didn’t have your usual baby car sleep at dusk yesterday (because we didn’t go to daycare and we didn’t have family outing) hence you slept early at 9. Mommy did some chores and after an hour, decided to cut your nails which were really quite long already. On to the second finger however, you woke up and had fun having your nails clipped, raising your legs when each foot has to have their turn. End result, you were already quite fully awake.

Mommy tried to hum you back to sleep but it didn’t work. Daddy turned in for the night and so Mommy was able to resume house chores since Daddy was already in the bedroom. But every time Mommy peeped to check on you, you’d be flashing Mommy a big smile, fully awake. You were on Mommy’s side of the bed playing, not on your crib.

When after a long while (almost 1 am! you were trying to go back to sleep for three hours already!) Mommy finally turned in for the night, Mommy asked you to share her pillow, as Mommy could see how hard you’re trying to go back to sleep. On the pillow, Mommy said, “I’m sorry, I woke you up”. What did you do, anak?

You raised your hand and softly patted Mommy’s cheek whilst flashing a big, happy smile and proceeded to kissing Mommy three times on the lips, smiled again, before turning on your other side to sleep.

In your sweet sweet way, you have shown that you’ve forgiven Mommy and shown how much you love Mommy. Thank you anak. And I thank God for giving us a daughter like you.
