Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Daycare Year 5

We’re here. Finally you’re in the oldest class in daycare; たいよう組. Years from now, you’ll understand what an emotional point this is for me. Was able to talk to Hitonari’s Mom today and we were talking how now your class is the eldest when it seemed like it was only yesterday that you were crawling around, the youngest in the school.

It was almost symbolic actually because for the first time, you chose what to wear for today and prepared it the night before. I didn’t have to make you hurry too. In fact, you dragged me to walk faster. How much you’ve grown. And for that matter I was surprised the spring pants you’re wearing was already inches short on you when it was still a little bit long when you wore it last in autumn.

This year will be busy as we will be preparing for when you enter elementary school. But as I keep on saying, let’s enjoy the present; live the present.

Grow well, Anak. Love. Laugh. God bless you.

PS (March 30)

I learned today that your head teacher last year (my favourite!) is also your head teacher this year. I’m totally ecstatic. We owe it to her that you could seamlessly read your hiragana and katakana really fast. And you could write too!

And since this year will be full packed with activities and preparations, I am truly thankful she’s your head teacher. In hindsight though, I think the school staff thought it best that she still be your class’ head sensei because they can see our rapport. I probably am difficult to handle for them…and somehow, her level of strictness coincides with mine. Hence, I’m thankful and excited!