life with a kindergartener: thirsty

We were waiting for our turn on a shop to pick up your bags that we’ve order-made for your grade school. Thankfully, there were couches around, so we could lounge while waiting. At first you said you wanted some gumi candy at the neighbour drug store. I’ve been teaching you some independence recently and so I gave you my PASMO (for our future reference: essentially this is a train pass. But you can charge it so that you can use it to pay your purchases or pay your meals. On hindsight, I should really stop giving you my pasmo but give you bills/coins so that you’ll learn more about counting.)

After finishing off your pack of gumi, and just when we were about to leave the premises, you then complained to me that you’re thirsty. And so once again, I gave you my pasmo. It took you a lot longer though to get back. So I headed to the drugstore and saw that you were already at the counter. I rushed to get back to our sofa because the point was for you to feel some independence and it definitely will not help you if you see me lurking around.

Then you came out the drugstore with plastic bag and looking like you’re carrying something very heavy.

Before you reached us though, you announced that you bought me my favourite milk tea and daddy a bottle of green tea, and water for you.

My thoughtful and perceptive baby. I thank God for his goodness. I pray you grow up well.

Yui’s tales: The Cat Who was Once a Prince

After a long afternoon walk, we chanced upon a nice homey cafe/ bar that was like a haven for Yui; they have a dog, a cat, and a tank full of fish.

It was a cozy place to rest after a breezy cold walk but for Yui, it was so much more than just a cozy place.

After some time, the dog had to take a walk and she was left to petting the cat and having a staring contest with it.

Then she told me a secret.

Mommy, the Cat was once a Prince, a long time ago. He battled with a dragon but he died. He then became a cat.

Yui’s cartoon strips: the one with the confused dinosaur

This is not one of your best drawings but still I’m posting it as this is one of your funny strips.

Yes, you don’t just draw. You always seem to have a story with it.

Here is a T-Rex, that can only say “ん?”, speechless as he was with the scene at hand; wherein he is being checked by a velociraptor doctor who is being called “mama” by a triceratops.

Yui’s cartoon strips: exasperated lion

You were writing a letter to one of our kid friends and you told me you wanted to draw an exasperated lion on one of the letters; one of your previous letters got lost in the mail and you wanted to express your exasperation. My imagination could not procure an image of an exasperated lion and hence I discouraged you from drawing it as it was difficult. You insisted. Knowing the state of determination you’re in, I said go ahead and left you to look for stickers to seal your letters. Less than three minutes after, you called me. And was speechless to see your exasperated lion, my wonderful daughter.