Oh, The Places You’ll Go! 小学校1年入学式

As preps for your grade school life, we’ve been to your school three times before today’s 入学式 /Entrance Ceremony. And I must admit all those three visits have been less than ideal; what with many issues to resolve and many confusing things to sort out.

But today, today was very nice. Beautiful weather. We weren’t late. We weren’t confused. Everything was orderly. Everything went really nice. There were things we didn’t know, they were a lot. But we sorted them out with beaming faces and hopeful hearts.

And I pray the same for you as you start your journey in your school life. I pray you have passion, a generous and brave heart and soul. God bless you, our dear one. Congratulations!

The Day’s Kudos

I am proud of the schools I’ve been to. They’re not internationally well known nor have they churned out numbers of Nobel Laureates. But they are the best in my hometown and hence home the crème de la crème in my region.

Working, however, for an international and multinational company can make you doubt your capabilities from time to time. It’s one thing to work with people who come from world-renowned universities with patent-holding alumni, and have the likes of Quantum Physics for Masters who have been seasoned with industry experience. But it’s totally another thing when they are idealist fresh graduates who are proud of where they came from.

And so given all that, it comes as a very pleasant reward on your efforts when you see your engineer working for/with you with passion. Even more so when they went ahead and announced to everyone their praise on how you went above and beyond.

I believe (and hope) my managers saw my capabilities hence they put me in my current position. But I hold praises from my subordinates higher than that of my bosses. Priceless. Inspiration for me to do even better. ❤️

Image courtesy of Microsoft Teams

Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Life with a primary schooler

We haven’t had your entrance ceremony to elementary school yet. But today is your first day with your after-school school. And since we selected a hopefully-good school that could nurture your abilities and talents and expand your horizon, I thought it fitting to have our yearly tradition albeit with the book’s cover, not its first page.

We pray we did select you a good school.

Do great, our little big one.