Godiva chocolates

As a treat to myself for having no sugar and protein on my urine and having normal blood pressure and no edema (so thankful for this!), I bought myself a Godiva chocolixer.


Hubs consumed half of it though haha. I don’t mind, at least I won’t be so guilty after, considering its sugar content.

Whilst waiting for my drink to be prepared though, I salivated at one of their chocolate displays and hence bought one. My drink was at 580yen. but this 2-inch ball is sold at 399yen a piece. By far the most expensive chocolate I bought so far. Even more expensive than the Demel chocolates we’ve had, which was a favorite by the uber filthy rich Habsburg monarchy.


One could argue a big percentage of the price goes to the expensive-looking packaging.


They even included an ice pack in the package to keep the chocolate cold while we go about.


When we’ve tasted it though, truly, it was worth the price.


A happy pregger. 🙂

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Both a Carnegie Medal and Kate Greenaway Medal awardee, this book is an absolute page-turner. For me, it doesn’t have a very striking intro nor does it have an ending that would leave you staring into space for hours. I even think that at some point it was anti-climactic because I can somehow guess already what “the truth” was that Conor was hiding.

But it’s a page-turner alright, even for me who reads really slow. Further proof on how good a page-turner it was – been having late nights at the office recently; going home at past 10pm or so and yet I was able to finish the book in 5 days!

And even when the ending was a bit expected, it was still a tearjerker.

Oh, did I mention this was a children’s book? ~sheepish grin~


And so that no one in the office would know I’m reading a children’s book, I asked the Kinukuniya staff to have it wrapped.


At one point, I doubted that it should be for children. But after having had finished the book, yes, indeed it is for children. Probably ’round the ages 9 to 14 years old.

And I met Green Man again! This is the first time though that I encountered him as scary-looking. In the other books where I’ve encountered him, my image of him is endearing and lovely-looking. At the end of this book though, I still found him endearing even when he was terrible-looking.

My Goodreads rate: 4 stars out of 5.

Finished the book this evening just when the books we ordered from Amazon arrived. This one’s up next!


Brad Pitt in our HAZOP

HAZOP “season” again. And what with the other deadlines piling up, i’ve been having long nights at the office the past couple of days; making up for the other deliverables after a whole day in the meeting. A colleague said i’m a “tough worker”, said his pregnant wife – just two weeks behind me on our baby’s due – already gave up working late.

But i’m able to do the feat because there’s lots to be thankful for.

Thankfully, I have the energy to work just when I needed it. My pregnancy fatigue came early last week just when I wasn’t too loaded yet.

Thankful because Hubs has been really helpful and supportive. When I told him last night I was tired, he readily agreed we take the taxi going home. Mind you, taxi rates here in Japan are really high, especially late at night. And our home is quite far from the office.

When I also told Hubs my back was aching (pregnancy related) and I couldn’t find a good sleeping position that could alleviate the pain, he readily rubbed my back until the pain ebbed. Thankful.

Thankfully, the HAZOP for one of my compressors is done already.

Oh yeah. I’ve mentioned before how our meetings have celebrity look-alikes. This time, we have a Brad Pitt look alike in our HAZOP. Didn’t swoon over him, because after all, I have a husband who himself looks like a celebrity (hehe, dare to object???). But what I really liked with him was when he tried to make some small talk with me. I was expecting that his personality would be like that of a playboy or charao in Japanese. But no. When he talked with me, he asked about the dynamic simulation we did. Serious work stuff. Other women might be disappointed. But I guess I liked the fact that I’m talking intellectual stuff with an absolutely celebrity-looking person.

Going home now and meet my celebrity looking husband. 😀

Married life

Respect for Privacy
It’s important for couples to not have secrets from each other. To be open and honest with each other. Yet it is important as well to give one another some space for growth and privacy.
For us, respect for privacy is when you share an iPad where both your emails are registered and your spouse could read your emails and vice versa. Yet neither one touches the other’s inbox, much less read what’s inside. It speaks a lot I guess, on how we trust each other. Thankful.

When do you love me most?
I read once that when a guy says a woman she’s beautiful, first thing in the morning, when she’s just woken up, devoid of any makeup and with disheveled hair at that, that’s true love.
Hubs made yet again one of my dreams come true when he said it so one evening. And it dawned on me why I get warm bear hugs from him in the mornings and how he looks at me funny, like he’s swooning. 😀

The Boy in the Striped Pyjama by John Boyne


There are books that will have you hooked since first page. Books that are absolute page-turners. And books with endings so unexpected and so heartbreaking you’re left staring at the wall for hours or you’re left with a “bleeding heart” even days after reading it.

This book is in that last category. It had an ending that caught me by surprise and had me staring at the wall before I fell asleep (thankfully I was able to fall asleep) and had me walking around with a broken heart the following day. “A taste of your own medicine” is what reminds me of the ending. Only, the medicine is way too bitter and strong and mind/life altering.

It didn’t have a good start with me though. The first page said it was “a Fable by John Boyne”. Was taken aback why the author called his book a fable. My understanding of fables was that it is a story with ANIMALS as characters and where through the animals, a story of great lesson and truth is portrayed. Now, this Boy in Striped Pyjamas book was set in Auschwitz Death Camp at the time of the Holocaust with a German boy as the main character and a Jewish boy on the “supporting role”. Hence the author calling it a fable was so off for me as it implied that the characters are animals. Whether the author was trying to express in a figurative way that Jews at that time were being killed like animals could be one reason. Or it could be that he was trying to figuratively say the Germans at that time were behaving like animals with nary a heart. Either way however, I still find it offensive. And heartless.

Giving the author a benefit of a doubt, I looked up Mirriam-Webster dictionary, thinking that my definition of “fable” may not be complete. And this was what I found:
: a fictitious narrative or statement: as
a : a legendary story of supernatural happenings
b : a narration intended to enforce a useful truth; especially : one in which animals speak and act like human beings
c : falsehood, lie

So that I could read the book, I just settled on the first part of definition (b) – a narration intended to enforce a useful truth.

Reading the book was very easy. It was after all written and narrated as one would on a children’s book. The protagonist was a nine year old and supposedly it was how a nine year old would think. But I find it very unrealistic as I think the protagonist was too naive. As a nine year old, I don’t think I was as naive; or it could be that I matured early. However, my favorite book that had a child’s perspective “To Kill a Mockingbird” was supposedly from the perspective of a six year old and yet Harper Lee was soooo convincing on it that you wouldn’t for a second doubt that it was a six year old narrating the story. This Boy in Striped Pyjamas book was a far cry. It was like Bruno, the protagonist, was either only five years old or a special, autistic kid.

I’m not sure if John Boyne really intended for this one to be a children’s book, as sort of an introduction to knowing what happened during the Holocaust. But with the thing about the Mother and Lieutenant Kotner being in the plot however, I don’t think it’s for children.

One thing though, this book had an ending that would make me remember the book for a long time. And it’s yet again one book that would make you fervently hope there’d never be again one so evil who’ll think of totally wiping out a race from the face of the earth.

My Goodreads rate: 3 stars out of 5