life with a toddler: priority seat

This morning, you made Momma really proud, anak. 

Two 40-ish seemingly healthy men (one was absorbed on a book) were seated on the priority seats (reserved for elderly, pregnant women, small kids, disabled) of the bus leaving only one seat available. I urged you to sit but you vehemently refused to sit. You then gestured and offered the remaining available seat to the mom who was standing behind us and carrying a baby. 

Couldn’t be more proud of you, baby. Keep that heart, always. 

life with a toddler: night person

You chose a long bedtime story for tonight. But I couldn’t skip pages because  you were quick to see if I skipped a few pages. So, I tried another technique: I just read the page on the right then tried to turn to the next page. But you complained loudly that I didn’t read the left side. How you knew exactly what huh page I didn’t read (since you couldn’t read yet) I have no idea. But I’m mighty proud of you my child. 

One thing though. There’s this one phrase that throughout my childhood and adolescence Papa kept on shouting at me late at night: JOJI KATULOG NA!! (JOJI, GO TO SLEEP!!!). It’s the very same line I use with you now. Don’t you just love it?