life with a grade schooler: math drills

I had to sit with you during your math drills. I’m not teaching. I’m doing something else while sitting beside you, just to ensure that you sit down to do your maths.

Yes, you need to work on it. You actually already understood how to do your additions and subtractions but that you just couldn’t seem to focus in the same way that you focus with programming, reading, writing kanji, drawing. And you tend to procrastinate before working on your math assignments. I know where your talent lies, and what your interests are. But you’re learning basic math now and we have to work on this.

You seem so disinterested with the subject it’s typical to find doodles like this on your math books.

I support you with your passions baby, but I also need to support you in improving yourself. Lest you third grade teacher will speak with Mom again about your Math 😝

But I believe in you, baby! You’ll soon be a master of this! 🙂