Oh, The Places You’ll Go! 小学校2年

You were giggling with the fact that you and your peers are not the youngest in the school, anymore. You were even more excited with the fact that your wish of being in 2年2組 came true (you were 1年1組 before).

I was actually late in picking you up; you were the remaining student in the schoolyard and two teachers were speaking with you, wondering why you’re staying put and where your mom is. I was still caught up in an online meeting and had to run out the house to meet you. But you were beaming and all excited so you easily forgave me. Good to meet your new home room teacher too.

My dear daughter, I haven’t wrote about this yet, but we are currently living in an uncertain time, one filled with fear and worry, as the world goes in lockdown and isolation, to fight the coronavirus. I have been working on remote for a week now and your Dad’s about to start remote work tomorrow. You’ve been requesting the parties we’re gonna have after this is over, planning the trips we’re gonna take. Oh, the places we’ll go. But for the mean time, I wish you well as you start your second year at grade school. Keep that lovely, beaming smile on your face.