As a treat for enduring yet another round of vaccines, we brought Yui to the newly opened Børnelund Playworld/あそびのせかい (openedlast June 21) located in the likewise newly opened Mark Is. Fees was reasonable as well with 600yen for 30 minutes for parent/guardian, 300yen for babies and kids, and 100yen for the adults for every 10 minute-extension.
It was a wonderland for Yui. We only mostly stayed at the babies section, however.
There’s also ball pool like those that are popular in the Philippines.
And an area for bigger, more active kids.
Play partners!
Thing is, we were only able to explore the left side of the place. There were more interesting stuff on the right side! Left side was already more than enough for a baby that we just stayed there mostly. I wasn’t even able to take a photo of the right side! But definitely there’s gonna be a next time!