that first laughter

Moira was all ready to cap her day after having had her warm bath and her milk. I then sang her a lullaby with her still in my arms after her milk. But I had to stop my singing and have to coo because I heard her talk. And she was then talking some more – in a singsong tone which suspiciously sounds like she was singing. Mommy indeed was grinning from ear to ear.

Then I laid her down on her bed and continued to sing a lullaby. But yet again I had to stop so as to return back her smile. My smiling back egged her on and made her smile go wider and wider until it became a full fledged laughter that went on for quite a long while. Her first real laughter with her looking at us; she has been laughing ever since she was five weeks old but it was while she’s sleeping.

Mommy had tears of joy in her eyes and grinning ear to ear whilst daddy was laughing as well; their grip on each other’s hand real tight. I feel so warm and fuzzy inside I almost forgot it’s winter now.

Thank you Lord for a happy baby. 🙂

Ah, they’re mine!

Tuesday last week, a couple of the baby care apps I refer to talked about the development of baby’s sense of touch.





And true enough, late the other week, Yui seems to have finally realised that those flailing things she see beside her are hers. She started grabbing things and (yikes!) even tasting how those flailing things are – which prompts me to make sure her hands are always clean.

And then last Monday, I was able to capture a first – her hands finally are together for the first time!


November 5 had been pretty eventful because it was also the first time she slept for 7 hours straight at night! Mommy wasn’t able to sleep well though because I kept checking in on her – wondering how she is haha.

I’ve read that from when they’re 6 weeks to 6 months, babies start to sleep longer at night. And we’re so thankful that Yui belongs in the 6 weeks category.

November 5 found us with visitors from the ward office as well – a midwife and her interpreter for a routine check on Yui. Everything is fine thankfully. And something beautiful happened for the first time: Yui directly fed from me for five minutes. While in the hospital, Yui wasn’t able to learn to latch properly hence I’ve been pumping breast milk since then and that since then my milk has dwindled. But the midwife taught us how to do it. And Yui did suck despite the fact that she’s already used to feeding from the bottle. That night, Yui again fed directly on me for almost ten minutes. But not again after that. I wish I could say that Yui directly breastfed since then. But after those two miraculous and beautiful occasions, Yui wouldn’t do it again. Nevertheless, at least I had those beautiful fifteen minutes to remember. Thankful still.

For the lucky moms who can breastfeed their babies, enjoy your beautiful moments.

November 13 update: Yui breastfed on me again for 15 minutes!! A beautiful experience. Happy and thankful.

successful tummy time and the smile it brought forth

As urged on by my reference materials (both Japanese and Western), I started tummy time last week; whereby I give Yui some time off on lying on her back by laying her down on her tummy which would help her exercise her neck muscles. It makes her fussy after some time though so I only have her on it for a couple of minutes or so.

When I started last week, she can barely lift her head, as expected. She would lift her head a bit, like 20 degree angle, then have it back down again. Sometimes when I put her on her tummy it happened that her head is a bit raised. But after a few seconds on her tummy, she’d put her head back down and she’d only be staring down trying to lift her head as I encourage her.

This morning, her head was down when I laid her on her tummy. And then lo, she lifted it! And a pretty 45 degree angle at that, with her shoulders besides! I was gleefully cheering and clapping that she looked surprised at my behaviour. And because she was focused on me, she held her position for a long time, which made me even more joyful.


A minute after, when I was already hugging and cuddling my daughter, she must have felt my happiness and hence gifted me with her first real smile, never knowing that she gave me yet another reason to be happy. She has been smiling ever since her first week. But it’s at nobody and only when she’s sleeping. This time though, she looked right at me and smiled a big toothless smile. Suffice it to say that my eyes were brimming with tears of joy.

Six weeks (today!) and counting, Yui anak. Please be healthy, this I pray.

15 days

I’m now relying on the Baby Care book I mentioned previously as well as Kidfolio and Babycenter’s My Baby apps on my iPhone.

But so far, I haven’t read yet how old a baby is when he/she starts to baby talk. Could a 15-day old infant know how to baby talk already? Because Yui just did, several times today. And nope I didn’t hallucinate, deprived of sleep as I am. Suffice it to say that I was teary-eyed with joy as I replied to my daughter.

I’ve read that babies who were sung unto gets to talk earlier. I do hope all the singing I’ve been doing so far for Yui does/did help.