potty training milestone

If there’s one baby milestone that I’ve been dreading, it’s definitely potty training. I’ve read the books and articles. I’ve read the “horror stories” – one toddler dashed straight to the couch and sat around before the Mom was able to wipe his bottom. I’ve read the many ways on how to potty train – from rewards system (a cookie, a penny etc for every successful deed) to affirmations. Been looking around for training potties too for a long time now – from standalone ones with famous cartoon characters to toddler toilet seat covers that can be put on top the adults’. However, we haven’t really established yet how to really go about it.

One thing I’m sure though ever since I’ve read about potty training. That my baby has to be developmentally ready before we start to make a go for this difficult task; with my mark for “developmentally ready” being she herself making the initiative that she already wants to be trained.

From early March, Yui has been quiet interested with the toilet room. She hovers around when we go inside; sometimes even banging the door, reminding me of a very funny meme with the twilight zone words yet showing cute chubby little fingers.


And then from last week, whenever Yui is about to do deed no. 2, (no. 1 being peeing) she would stop whatever she’s doing and present herself in front of me and put on her usual expression when she’s about to poop (mouth stretched thin, face red from effort). I always lead her to her play room for clean up but from last week, we had to make the trip to the play room twice because she still didn’t make the “go” the first time we go to the room.

And so last Friday, when she made the face, I asked her if she wants to go to the toilet. She took a couple of steps towards the toilet, hesitated, then went to the play room and did deed no. 2 there.

Saturday came and we had a spring day walk that took our whole day. When we came home and I went to the toilet, she hovered around. So I asked her if she wants to pee in the toilet. She nodded so I sat her up (no kiddie lid on! We still weren’t able to buy as we thought she still wasn’t “developmentally ready”). But nothing happened so I let her go. Later in the evening however, she came to me wearing her funny about-to-poop face. I asked her if she wants to go to toilet. She nodded yes. And so I sat her up. This time, it was a success. She just sat prim and proper and behaved while I was cleaning her up. Her Dad was very surprised that her diaper was clean still.

So relieved to get through this difficult milestone! We can only hope there won’t be a relapse. Now, we just have to make her tell us when to pee. Will push it next time, when she’s developmentally ready. >

The little things that count

As Hubs has pointed out, I am such a paranoid and OC Mom. But as protective as I am with our daughter, I am at least at peace that she is taken cared of well at daycare (there actually are times I’m the one pressured, like making sure there’s at least two kinds of vegetables on the menu!).

Today was such a rainy and windy day but I wasn’t that worried (well, aside from the difficulty and unsafeness of maneuvering the baby stroller on one hand whilst holding an umbrella on the other hand whilst battling the strong wind and hard rain) because Yui had a rain cover over her stroller and her daycare bag was waterproof. The bag was obviously waterproof yet we were really touched how Yui’s teachers made the effort of putting the daycare journal (where both parents and teachers write Yui’s activities at home and at daycare) inside a plastic bag so that it won’t get wet.


Little things like that somehow comforts me that they can be trusted with big things.

Sakura amazake

I promised in our previous post that I’d post more sakura-inspired products soon.
The subsequent post came sooner that expected.

Sakura Amazake!
Amazake comes either with low or non-alcohol. This type has zero alcohol content. We didn’t give the baby a sip yet though even though we’ve read the non-alcohol type can be baby food. Yui can have this treat when she’s a bit older. And oh what a treat it is!! I have liked amazake ever since I’ve tasted it. But this one surely is love.
