Nihongo 101 with Yui: shippo

We were on our way to daycare when (as usual) we spotted a dog.

Mommy: Look Yui, there’s a cute dog over there.

Yui: Shippo shippo (pointing to her behind at the same time).

Mommy: yes, dogs have tails ne. Shippa, shippa (I was then making a mental note that shippa is Japanese for tail)

Yui: shiPPO. Shippa nai (not shippa)

And so it has begun. 😀


Been craving for Filipino food lately – actually, more like, I miss Papa’s cooking – so I cooked humba (slightly sweet adobo) using Japanese condiments – dashi, mirin, Japanese soy sauce, sesame salt, sesame oil plus wei pai, a Chinese flavouring that’s great for soup. The result, deliciously Filipino Humba, as if it was Papa who cooked.


parenting lessons 101: never underestimate your child

Was looking hurriedly for stickers for Yui to be occupied with during train rides. As I was looking around for medium sized ones, Yui was pointing for the teeny tiny sticker set – stickers which were as small (or even smaller!) than her fingernails. I told her that it would be difficult because they’re very small; that we should buy the bigger one. But she was insistent. So Mommy gave in and allowed her to put it in the basket together with the medium sized one.

Back home, she worked on her selection first. If truth be told, Mom was surprised. The teeny tiny stickers were no feat at all for our little one; sticking them on the paper in a fast and efficient way. Yet again another reminder to never ever underestimate your child.


graduation pants (diapers)

Yui’s doing well with deed no.2 in the toilet, sans fancy kiddie tool. Especially now that she’s started to verbalise what she wants, it’s been easier. She just need to learn though when she just need to fart or to do deed number 2. Because even when she feels like farting, she still tells us “chan no toilet!”. 🙂

Admittedly, I’ve been preparing myself to the possibility that it would take a year more for pee/oshikko training. Sure she peed every now and then at the toilet but she’s still not consistent. So I’ve decided to buy her this toilet training pants/diapers in which after three pees, Yui can already feel the wetness. Overnight diaper would still be the usual pants/diapers though.


Good luck Yui!

By the window

Unbelievable. It’s been more than a month since my last post! Where have all the days gone to? Been pretty hectic (but exciting!) lately.

We can’t have this yet at this time, but it would be lovely to have this in Yui’s room where she can relax with a book.
