Soup Stock Tokyo’s Samgyetang’s taste reminds of the arroz caldo we had after school at a homey small arroz caldo place beside our high school campus.

Soup Stock Tokyo’s Samgyetang’s taste reminds of the arroz caldo we had after school at a homey small arroz caldo place beside our high school campus.
While having cheese hamburg lunch yesterday, I had the inspiration to make my own hamburg in this weekend. Today after me-time (was off from work today), I decided to make bola bola instead (Filipino meatballs, one of my childhood faves). Yui loves cheese so I decided to toss in some. The verdict? Everyone in the dinner table declared it tasted MUCH better than the hamburg we had yesterday. Yui even requested I make the same again next week
Baked it instead of frying. Preheated the oven at 180degC. Baked for 20 min at 200degC, and kept it inside the oven for 15 min. I’ll preheat it at higher temp next time for more crispy bola bola!
You were watching way too much videos already so I asked you to come on over to help me beat the eggs. Result: you had a tantrum because you didn’t want to help and just wanted to watch. The tantrum was a confirmation you’ve had too many videos and so I set my foot and commanded you come on over in the kitchen.
The moment you beat the eggs though, you were your usual gay self already and was having fun. Then you volunteered to cut the pechay/chingensay/Chinese cabbage. My first instinct was not to allow you to hold the knife. But you looked so confident that you can do it and I most definitely don’t want to break that confidence. So I grit my teeth and handed you the knife. As you positioned the knife, you said that Sugawara-sensei told you the other hand that’s not holding the knife should be like a cat’s hand; curled like a cat’s hand so that those cutie little fingers won’t get nipped.
I’m loving your head teacher all the more. By the way, you cut those two heads of pechay quite evenly. Good job, Anak!
Over breakfast this Sunday morning:
Me: oh ざんねん,too bad Yui, we didn’t wake up in time for Church.
Yui: Ne….さみしい (it literally means “lonesome, lonely” or “missing somebody” but I guess she meant “sad”)
Me: why are you sad baby? (I was thinking she missed her favourite parts of the Mass)
Yui: no donuts….
Me: ~forcing a grin on my face~
And so it seems se has her Hara Donuts tradition jut like I had my Puto Maya tradition when I was a kid; we usually buy Puto maya after Church which makes me really look forward to when the mass is finished hehe. I wish Yui also gets to taste Puto maya.
Been craving for Filipino food lately – actually, more like, I miss Papa’s cooking – so I cooked humba (slightly sweet adobo) using Japanese condiments – dashi, mirin, Japanese soy sauce, sesame salt, sesame oil plus wei pai, a Chinese flavouring that’s great for soup. The result, deliciously Filipino Humba, as if it was Papa who cooked.