baby diaries: Yui turns 2

Mommy remembers kissing your apple-red lips after the nurse cleaned you up, just before Mommy passed out. You cried then, Mommy melted.

Mommy remembers that night you were making effort on pulling yourself up. It was admirable to see. You fell a lot of times. But you were determined. And you didn’t give up. And indeed you succeeded about fifteen minutes after. Then just right after you’ve successfully pulled yourself up, you immediately turned your head to flash Mommy a big, happy smile. Priceless; and one that Mommy would always be grateful.

Mommy remembers you running towards Mommy, arms outstretched. And how you hugged Mommy tightly, saying “Mommy” with a deep, contented sigh whilst smiling and burrowing your face on Mommy’s chest. Mommy couldn’t ask for anything more.

Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have you, Anak. Happy birthday baby. Grow up well.


baby diaries: in which the baby comforts Mommy

A fellow Mom asked me last Sunday, if there are cases of other babies/kids biting Yui at daycare. My reply was that the teachers take great care to avoid such cases. And if ever there are such mishaps, they apologise extensively.

And then it happened come Monday.

When I picked Yui up at daycare, the teacher came up close to me with a grave face. And then he explained how, just after lunch time, Yui’s classmate bit Yui’s right arm. That it was very red but that they applied cold compress and medicine and that after pool time the redness was gone so that now, evening time, only a faint trace is left. I got very concerned as I’ve been seeing some pushing and kicking already even when I was there (in which in those occasions, I always scold the hitting kid).

As we walked home, I kept on asking Yui what really happened, even when I know she really couldn’t explain to me nor could I understand even if she tries I explain. In which she did try to explain, her mouth in a pout as she did so.

Come bedtime and I was stroking her back, I felt the urge to start telling her to defend herself in a non-violent way. This is very difficult considering that I need to say it in a very simple way so that my barely-two-year-old daughter could understand. In a very gentle voice, I told her to defend herself and not let others hurt her. But that she should not hurt other people as well. At every end of these three points, she nodded an agreement and a “nnnnn” (which means yes for her).

Then I told her that Mommy is worried and that I hope she would fare well in her social interactions. She then sat up, her browse furrowed as if she’s irritated about something that she remembered, all the while mumbling something. And then her face cleared as if she’s reached some resolve, her face determined and resolute. I wouldn’t have had expected to see that on the face of my barely-two-year-old daughter. But what happened next was even more incredible.

She lifted her hand to stroke my head. Then she leaned on my shoulder, put her arm around me and moved her arm up and down the way an adult would comfort someone. Amazed beyond words.

With a heart like that Anak, maybe Mommy shouldn’t worry too much; you’ll definitely do great. Yet still I pray, grow well, Anak.

We had a talk with the daycare staff and they profusely apologised. They also assured us that they will take extra care on those babies who have biting tendencies and also assured us that Yui is not being bullied at all by a classmate and that rather she always have a classmate or two whom she’s holding hands with. Relieved.

baby diaries: silence in the house

One thing that’s definite of a house with a baby/toddler/kid on it – it’s rarely dull and silent. When the child is awake and they’re silent, parents would definitely rush in to check what’s happening why it was suddenly silent. Rush in with their hearts on their mouth. With Yui tagging along everywhere I go even when inside the house, I broke into a sprint from the kitchen to Yui’s playroom a couple times this week when I realised she wasn’t beside me and it was silent in the house. Relieved beyond words when I came upon these.



baby diaries: wall decor

Was awakened last Saturday morning by a small hand tapping my arm. When I opened my eyes, Yui was smiling at me. She was still lying down but with head raised, looking at me, mouth babbling whilst smiling and pointing from the wall then touching her hips. Apparently, the letter Y fell off the wall and hit her hips which then woke her up. It was so endearing how Yui finds the whole thing funny. She woke me up because she knows I want the letter back up on the wall. After putting it back, she lay down again and the both of us went back to sleep.


Organized and putting back things where they usually are – you have some penchant for this, Anak. Today, your sensei pointed out on the renraku note about your inclination towards 後片付け [あとかたづけ (atokatadzuke)]/tidying up/cleaning up/putting things in order. Of course Mommy is proud! 🙂

Grow up well Anak.

baby diaries: “Mama suki”

From late last week, Yui has been alternately addressing me as Mama/Mamay.

I was handing Yui her bread for breakfast this morning and was about to ask her if she wants yogurt before her milk. But before I could utter my line, she said the most beautiful thing she’s ever said, and with a wide smile at that while saying it.
Yui: Mama suki.

I wanted to make sure if I heard it right.

Me: Honto (really)? Mommy daisuki? (You love Mommy?)

Yui: nnto. Mama suki.

This time you were nodding your head whilst smiling.

Dad: Honto? Mommy daisuki?

Yui: nnto. Mama suki. Suki. Suki.

Of course I was in heaven the whole day. Thank you anak. It’s a Happy Easter indeed.

(Yui! Drawn by Daddy)

baby diaries: Secured

Mommy had a beautiful moment with you earlier this evening, Anak. Thinking about it made me cry tears of joy at 1:30 in the morning.

Dinner was ready to be served (with miso and fresh salad at that!) but we were waiting for Daddy to arrive so we can all eat together. I had just turned off the stove and walked out the kitchen to take your hands off the iMac keyboard. But then you also left the iMac and met me halfway.

You were standing then and was gesturing for me to hold both your hands. Thinking how sweet it was of you to request so, I obliged. But then you turned gymnast. You folded your knees and beautifully arched your back so the top of your head reaches the floor. Achieving this feat, you burst into giggles and laughter and did it again and again, all the while using Mommy’s hands as anchor/gym bar(? hehe). Emboldened, you stood up, arched your back and slowly dipped your head to reach the floor. This being harder, you burst into more laughter when you reached the floor, laughter ringing with happiness because you’ve achieved something difficult. Holding your hands, I can feel how strong you’ve become, how tight your hold was on my hands.

Mommy was very happy to hear your laughter. But what really made Mom’s heart well up was the fact that you were very secured with me. That you know Mommy won’t let go. That you know Mommy can support you. That you know you can achieve a difficult feat by holding on to an anchor, a secure anchor. When you’ve grown up some more, your Dad and I will share with you some more WHO is that secure anchor who will always be with you. But know, dear child, that your Dad and I will try our best to be your anchor, when you need us.

At 19 months, you really haven’t addressed me yet as Mommy albeit there was a weekend when you called me Maman. You’ve consistently addressed me though as “eh-eh-eh”. And that doesn’t bother Mommy at all, Anak. What matters more is that we see you growing up secured, self-assured and able to care for others. These are more than enough.

Grow up well, Anak.
