
Moirraine loved this bear-on-a-swing on her crib mobile so much that she gets excited when she sees it and that she talks/gurgles at it and laughs at it – for long periods of time.


Hence I thought that it was just about time to introduce her new bear bedmates to her.


This was when Moirraine first explored and touched her bears.


I gave her the Hard Rock bear first (we’re calling him Rocky-kun) and she talked/gurgled to the bear for a long time. She always eye its guitar as well haha.

It’s sort of my early pamana (bequest) to Moirraine since these bears were given to me by two of my best friends. The Bestfriend Care Bear one from Kat given to me back in June 2009 and the Hard Rock London one from Maj that she gave me back in March 2008. Maj had been around the world quite a lot already and has been very thoughtful of me and my doll collection, so much so that I have dolls from her sojourns in the US, UK, Ireland and Taiwan. I hope she remembers me and my collection while she’s in Spain. And also Kat while in Australia. Hehehe!

Anyways, I digress. For safety reasons, I kept Moirraine’s bed as minimal as I can, sans stuffed toys of course. But I thought that if I just let her play with them and sleep with them during nap time with me looking in on her, then I think it’s safe enough. Then I would remove the bears when we sleep at night. She’s now napping with her hand resting on top of her bears.


Somehow, I find Bestfriend care bear as somewhat holding some similarity to Moirraine teehee.


Hubs himself had a bear in his bed when he was a child and he told me of how he slept hugging the bear. Call it “marjorism” again (it’s what my friends and hubs call my sometimes weird assumptions and suppositions) but I think it helped instill in Hubs a sweet nature, one who likes to hug. And so I’m hoping with this, I’m one step to helping Moirraine have that same sweet nature albeit at the moment we think she already has a sweet nature!