elections in Japan

As what yesterday’s Japan Google doodle had shown, yesterday was Japan’s national elections.

I wouldn’t dare explain here how elections and politics are in Japan – every time Hubs explain to me, I end up having more questions.
What I’m amazed with though is how clean the campaign season is. And no I don’t mean the part wherein no politicians are handing money to voters but how there is minimal garbage during campaign season.

Back in the country where I grew up, practically almost all vertical space are taken up by posters and flyers bearing politicians’ names and faces. What you could see here though are temporary wooden structures mounted up every block or so. Each structure has a wall wherein candidates from each party are allotted a certain space.




Hubs said that posting in places other than these allotted spaces are prohibited in Japan. Very impressive. Think of how the flyers could have ruined this beautiful riverside walk had Japan didn’t ban random posting of election flyers.




I just find it funny though how some of the flyers are so advanced. Some of them have barcodes that you could scan with your mobile phones to take you directly to the candidates’ website.



Elections ended at 7pm but as early as 8pm, almost 90% of the results were already out! Impressive. But not nearly as impressive as how cleanliness is kept despite the intensive campaigning.

Kudos Japan for keeping your beautiful country clean!


While most of the men in most other countries are racking their brains for original ideas on how to surprise their women on Valentine’s Day, it’s the women who are busy here in Japan every 14th of February. They bake cakes, cookies, chocolates, and other pastries, to give to their men or crushes on top of thinking of ways on how to be original about it. For some who doesn’t have the time to bake though, chocolates and cakes in pretty boxes are available everywhere.






Ten years back when we were first assigned here in Yokohama, we were so amazed on how all of the customers in chocolate stalls as the ones above were only women.

Supposedly, the women give the men gifts on Valentines Day and the men, in reply would give the women gifts on White Day – March 14. We were told that if you gave a guy you were crushing on a gift on V-day and you didn’t receive anything on March 14, well, one could pretty some up the story. 😛

As for me and Hubs, we definitely wouldn’t be going somewhere special tonight as I am now currently in bed, sneezing very loudly, eyes barely open, and tears continuously falling because of very very bad colds. Was absent yesterday, hubby had to be absent as well to accompany me to the hospital as I was already running a fever. Woke up today feeling better so I went to office, only to go back home after staying an hour in the office because I can barely keep my eyes wide open; my tear-filled eyes can’t take the office lights. Plus, I was sneezing and coughing loudly.

I did give Hubs a red, heart-shaped box of creamy Lindt chocolates, one of my favourite brands. But I can’t have even a piece because my throat is swollen.

Dear St. Valentines, please do hear my plea and take this colds away from our house.

And oh! Have you seen today’s Google doodle? A good reminder that it’s not what can be googled and bought but rather it’s the time spent together that matters most. 🙂 Happy Valentines everyone!