When I went to Kyoto and then later to Osaka with my friends, we mulled on donning on kimonos and walk around the old town wearing our kimonos and of course take lots of pictures of us in kimonos. But what stopped us from renting is that these kimonos-for-rent comes with an exorbitant price, some at 50,000yen for a couple hours or so. Hence, in the last 9 years that I came and went in Japan, I never really had the chance to wear a kimono.
But it was a good thing I didn’t take on the chances I had previously. Because a chance presented itself to me when I visited Hubbie’s hometown, and this time, my “first time” was made even more special – i’d be wearing Okasan’s kimono, which she wore when she was almost about my age. Heirloom, ne? hehe.

me in curlers

me trying to fit my feet into the dainty Japanese slippers

"let's try it out shall we?"

 The dressing up is actually for our family portrait. Will post the official pictures once they’re out.
Anyways, I’m thankful to Otosan for having captured this tender moment that passed between me and Hubbie.

yiihii ^_^. Admit it again Hubbie, you were so in love with me that day, ne? =D
And of course, I am very thankful to Otosan, Okasan, Obachan, Ojichan and Mayumi for making my stay in Takamatsu a wonderful one. Of course, it goes to say I’m truly thankful to Hubbie as well. =)