1 month!!

Was jolted to being fully awake (even after reading more than 10 wedding-related emails and replying to a number or so) when I saw the date on my computer screen – March 30!!

Alarm bells went screeching in my head. We’ve only one month to go!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!! I should calm down, i should calm down. Ugh, if only our choice priest is not being difficult on us, I wouldn’t panic like this. 🙁  

In any case, I had to wait for another bookshelf delivery hopefully this morning (yes, another bookshelf! hopefully the last one. Two were delivered yesterday) and then i’ll be off on an adventure to find the Foreign Ministry Office somewhere in Shin-Sugita for my re-entry permit. I probably wouldn’t rest until I have that on my passport. Should have went there yesterday right after I claimed my alien card (i deem it’s required when i apply for re-entry) but Hubby and I doesn’t want to risk me going farther than Maita since I have just only recovered from a very very bad sinusitis (cigarette smoke thank you very much).

Lots to do today. Hope I can manage to tick eveything off on my to-do list.