soybeans galore

I wouldn’t have believed it possible but i lately find natto appetising. Natto, that sticky, a bit stinky, superfood that has been a staple in Japanese breakfast.


Check this out for the health benefits of natto. And this one as well! (for pregnant women). Or, just type in natto in google search and you’re bound to see lots of references to its healthy goodness.

We love this soybean milk, tōnyu as well! Tried the cocoa and strawberry variants and I just love them.


cholesterol talk

Want to lower down your cholesterol level? Here’s one drink to help you with your feat. Soybean milk otherwise known in Japanese as tonyu.


Those red characters on the left actually advertises that this drink can help lower down cholesterol level.
Before we left Yokohama last week, hubs has started to try and lower down his cholesterol level. He has been drinking tonyu almost everyday this week. Let’s see his cholesterol level on his next medical check come end of the month.