Scarf for winter

Except for buying shoes which I awfully need, all the shopping that I’ve done in the last three months were only for my daughter. It’s like when I’m in a mall or shopping online, I only remember the things Yui needs (and what I want for Yui to wear, teehee). The moment I arrive home or is done with online shopping, that’s when I remember the things I need. But try as I might to shop for myself nowadays, I get bored within 5 minutes of looking around, preferring to hang out instead in the baby’s section.

But I found this one and for the first time in months, I actually felt that I would like to have this for myself.


But then again, I don’t think I’ll be buying it.


The nearest Kobeya bakeshop in our area is in Kamiooka station, one station further from our station if coming from Sakuragicho. Yet even when out of the way, Hubs went there just to surprise me and buy me my bread before going home from office. Touched. Thank you A. Thank you.

Vaccines galore

Yui had her first vaccination today (or rather, yesterday since it’s 2am now). With some hoped-for travels in the near future in mind, we decided to have our daughter be vaccinated per both US and Japanese standards. Below is the list of recommended vaccines by CDC US and the timing with which they need to be administered.


Japan and US are same except that BCG is required in Japan and that RV, HepA and B and Varicella are not required. Since said four vaccines are not required here, they are not given for free, but for a fee.

RV (which would protect Yui against rotavirus) costs a whopping 13,000yen per shot whilst HepB (yep this is against Hepa B) costs 5,500yen per shot. Both vaccines needs to be administered three times. Ouch yes. But it’s for Yui’s sake so we have to go for it.

With advise from the doctor and with consideration on the Japanese recommended timing of immunizations, we decided to have her DPT (against Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus), Polio (speaks for itself) and BCG (against Tuberculosis) vaccinations on her third month, all free.

So thankfully yesterday afternoon, Yui only had to endure three injections since RV is taken orally (whew!) – PCV (against pneumococcal bacteria that causes pneumonia, meningitis), Hib (against haemophilus influenzae type b which causes meningitis) and HepB.

Yui looked so ready for her vaccine shots.


But oh how she screamed in pain. 🙁


Her band-aids are so cute though!!


Us adults also had our influenza vaccine but our band-aid is the usual boring one. I want a Hello Kitty one too! 😀 And I’ve a mind to copy my daughter with the screaming – my vaccine hurt too! Hehe.

Thankfully Yui didn’t fuss much after her immunization. She just slept to pass off the pain.
Her pedia’s clinic is near Motomachi hence Mayumi and I dropped by to look for fleece/down jacket for Yui which her Dad had asked me to buy for her to use at home. The traditional Gap jacket solved the jacket hunt.


Shopped some other clothes and a pair of boots (for Yui) besides. But this is my favorite purchase in this afternoon’s shopping. Our little miss would look so fashionable (and warm) in this cute poncho.


If Yui is a bit older, this can actually be considered as her reward for the afternoon’s pain. 🙂

baby diaries: conversations

I love our conversations anak. When you gurgle some and then flash me a wide smile that extends to your eyes – Oh, how my heart melts. I hope you’ll flash the same to Daddy, soon. I’m sure he’ll cry with happiness.

I especially love it when we have our conversations with you in my arms. But you lying on your bed is no less heart-melting.


Grow well and healthy our dear Yui.