baby diaries: more hugs and kisses

Mommy yet again have fever and colds anak. Yet even when the dawn and morning had been pretty “eventful” from having had to change the sheets and your clothes twice, Mommy still have the energy to go on. And Mommy owes it to you. Because despite your very bad cough and your stye, you’re still your cheery self, giving Mommy and everyone else that beautiful big smile of yours. And when Mommy coughs (or even hiccup!) you would look at Mommy inquiringly while murmuring something, with an expression that’s quite akin to concern – yet another proof how empathetic you are.

Your body must be working double time now, adjusting from your new environment, new food whilst learning new motor skills (you try to stand up on your own now!). And you’re teething besides! Yet you didn’t make it all the more harder for Mommy by behaving, by not being fussy – main reasons why your paediatrician is not worried even when you have lost some weight already.

So I thank you.

Mommy sits here in the office during lunch break and all I could think of is how Mommy should have given you two extra hugs and kisses this morning, more than the usual. Albeit your teachers already always say “ii na” (wow that feels good), whenever I kiss and hug you goodbye.

I miss you anak even when we’re just apart for 8 hours. Let’s do our best shall we? 🙂