baby diaries: Yui turns 2

Mommy remembers kissing your apple-red lips after the nurse cleaned you up, just before Mommy passed out. You cried then, Mommy melted.

Mommy remembers that night you were making effort on pulling yourself up. It was admirable to see. You fell a lot of times. But you were determined. And you didn’t give up. And indeed you succeeded about fifteen minutes after. Then just right after you’ve successfully pulled yourself up, you immediately turned your head to flash Mommy a big, happy smile. Priceless; and one that Mommy would always be grateful.

Mommy remembers you running towards Mommy, arms outstretched. And how you hugged Mommy tightly, saying “Mommy” with a deep, contented sigh whilst smiling and burrowing your face on Mommy’s chest. Mommy couldn’t ask for anything more.

Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have you, Anak. Happy birthday baby. Grow up well.


Komeraku’s Ochazuke

It was unexpectedly cold today so I opted to buy ochazuke from my favourite bento shop for lunch. Ah. Simple but definitely Goodfood! 🙂
Salmon flakes. Nori. Rice crackers. Pickled vegetables. Dashi (fish broth) stock.


and hurray! I can finally post photos! Am not sure of the reason though but I did two things – update my iOS and deleted some apps to have more storage. Now, I-have-to-find-time to catch up with blog backlogs.