Getting Married Bridal Fair – K by C and MPO

Attended my first ever bridal fair. The bridal fairs last year coincided with my trips abroad hence now is just my first time. It was quite exciting. And productive.

Booked! K by Cunanan. Will probably opt for the box of wine freebie – as long as the wine they’re giving out is Asti. Otherwise, we might consider the additional desserts.

I just loved (!) their display set. Love the queen anne’s lace arrangement!! The books are yet another centerpiece idea. Hubbie and I are bookies (although I’m nowhere near half a bookie as Hubbie is) so this set-up is totally appealing to us.

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Booked! Manila Philharmonic Orchestra, Quartet. Hubbie and I love music hence having good music is a must for us. I only booked the male singer though. Their female singer (sampler) belted out Lea’s “Two Words”. Sure she would be great during the reception wherein the place is quite huge. But not in Caleruega. Previously, Hubbie and I didn’t like Bernie’s female singer as well. Although MPO’s singer is better than Bernie’s I think, still, it was a bit too strong. I want it to be sang as softly as Lea sang it. Or the way I sang it… hehehe joke. Anyways, we’re still on a search for the best female singer.And oh by the way, we got a discount of 1000php owing to booking them during the fair.

K by Cunanan

I admit. I was partial when I went to my foodtasting with K by Cunanan Catering. I checked out their website and I love their arrangement – for sure it’s not baduy; it’s very classy and tasteful just like the way I want it. It was also serendipitous that when I visited Ville Sommet, it was K by Cunanan who was making their set-up for a wedding reception. By the way, that same wedding had Detalye Team, my wedding coordinator, as the coordinator. Totally serendipitous right? And I must say, I was quite satisfied (if not impressed) with the setup and the staff that I chanced upon in Ville Sommet.

What was left to find out then was the food. I’m a foodie of some sort hence, I really am quite picky with the food I eat. Was not impressed with Juan Carlo. Was halfhearted with Hizon’s food and was totally not impressed with their service. Last December, I’ve been to an officemate’s wedding in Fernwoods and they had Josiah’s – everything was good, really good.

But then I preferred K by Cunanan arrangement and I was bent on knowing how their food tastes like. And I must say I wasn’t disappointed during my foodtasting last Oct 28. I wasn’t really expecting anything, but with K’s food, I found the right kind of food that my palate was looking(? or more like craving?) for for our wedding.

First off, Appetizer: Crackling Pork Wrap. I like how the hoisin sauce melded just right with the pork. One thing I didn’t like though: the wansuy/coriander inside the wrap. I like all vietnamese food except when wansuy/coriander is included in it (gah!). I wonder though if our guests would like it since Hubby certainly was ok with it during our Vietnam Trip.

Soup: Tomato, Lentil and Couscous. I have partial aversion to tomato-based food so when I get to appreciate anything that’s tomato-based it has to be really good. And this one is. Well anyway, for me, any dish that has lentil on it is good haha. It’s a bit heavy on the stomach though, because of the couscous but I ain’t complaining! yummy! ^_^

Salad: Three Melon Salad with Arugula in citrus dressing. Three being melon, yellow-colored watermelon and uhm….it was green-colored so perhaps, honeydew? although it certainly wasn’t sweet. Hence my vote would have to be santa claus melon. I should  have asked Macy about it and see if my guess was correct. ^_^

Rice! The carrot rice was oh so delicious!

Main dish: Osso Bucco. My stomach have a problem digesting beef so I can only eat Japanese beef which has very tender meat or thinly-sliced beef. Hence for beef cuts like this one, I usually don’t eat. For the sake of my guests though, I have to taste this. And good thing I did. Yes the cut was a big chunk of red meat but it was so tender you can’t help but eat the whole chunk. The sauce, I-jut-love-the-sauce.

NB: Osso Bucco can be either lamb or beef but K’s choice is beef.

Pasta: Mussel and Cream Pasta. In most restaurants (say, Brooklyn Pizza in ATC), I find myself asking the waiter for parmesan cheese or salt. For this one though, taste was just perfect. Pasta wasn’t dry nor swimming in cream either – it was just perfect. One thing though: if you take out all the mussells, the pasta would look like it was robbed naked. ^_^

Main Dish: Honey Nut Prawn. Macy gave us a choice whether to have the 5-dish or the 4-dish package. With 5-dish, you won’t get to have a seafood dish. It was fine with me since I am already assured of the quality of their food hence I was already leaning on the quantity side. But that bias was forgotten the moment I tasted the Honey Nut Prawn. Macy told me this dish is the best in their line. But I was in no way prepared of the GOODNESS it has. K had me at this.

The grapes were very sweet by the way.

So full, so full! But wait, there’s still dessert! Tropical Fruit Compote, Picatostes with chocolate dip and Crepe Samurai (mango). The Crepe Samurai was my favorite – the grilled flavor contrasted with the mango giving a rich flavor that’s really nice to the palate.

Aahh..Just looking at the menu makes me more excited for our wedding. Or even with the detailing! For now, we’re just pencil-booked though. We will make our booking come Bridal Fair on January.

Thanks to Rezza for taking the time to accompany me and for having had the foresight to bring her camera with her.

Hizon’s Catering

I admit, I was already leaning on booking for another caterer. But as I haven’t contacted that certain caterer yet and hence still not sure as to their availability, I just can’t pass up the chance to join Hizon’s grand foodtasting at The Oasis.

In all fairness, I must hand it to them that they still accommodated me even when I only confirmed my attendance for the event a day before. Thing is though, when we showed up for the event and I looked for my AE, the certain AE wasn’t at the register table and nobody knew if she has arrived or not. Some even doesn’t know if my AE was their co-employee. The AEs (I assume they were AEs) in the table were convincing one another to take me up instead and finally they “bullied” (it felt like that to me) somebody to take me on because they couldn’t find my AE’s folder on the table. Good thing though somebody found my AE’s folder burried by the other folders, only to find that my name wasn’t on it. This was fine by me since I did just confirm the day before and I have my AE’s email and text confirmation that I am registered to join the event.

First impressions really matter with me and the “register table” incident certainly put their group down several notches on my standards chart (if not at the bottom). Yet, I let it pass.

Now the food. It was okay. Although I really wasn’t exclaiming delightfully how good it was (which I would have wanted for our wedding caterer), still it was good enough. There was only one dish that stood out though, which was their Roast Beef with Mushroom gravy sauce. It tasted like lechon. Delicious. But if only one dish was worth mentioning among several dishes, that would be a problem isn’t it?

They made it up with their dessert though. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g was just lovely. Especially the mango panna cotta.

After the event was done though, I know deep within that I still haven’t found our caterer that satisfied my palate.

Foodtasting: Juan Carlo Catering

Had my first foodtasting with one of Fernbrooks accredited caterers – Juan Carlo. Well, of course it was held in Fernbrooks. I was so thankful that Jane and Jonathan accompanied me. Otherwise, I would have looked pathetic foodtasting alone – other couples brought their friends and family with them. Funny thing though is that, since Jane and Jonathan were a couple, naturally the caterer contact and Fernbrooks agent talked to them first and not to me. I had to assert myself and say that I was the one getting married and that my groom is out of the country.

Now the food. Soup was the first one of course. It tasted like an instant soup. They presented two sets for us to taste and I think half of the food I should forget about and in fairness, half of it I liked ie:

– Pork with prunes and walnut

– Salmon with Tequilla (a teeeny weeny pinch of salt would make it heavenly)

– Chicken with Peri-Peri sauce

– Blue marlin in Lemon and butter

– Assorted pastries, one shaped in swan

Altogether, it was a great experience.