Getting Married Bridal Fair – K by C and MPO

Attended my first ever bridal fair. The bridal fairs last year coincided with my trips abroad hence now is just my first time. It was quite exciting. And productive.

Booked! K by Cunanan. Will probably opt for the box of wine freebie – as long as the wine they’re giving out is Asti. Otherwise, we might consider the additional desserts.

I just loved (!) their display set. Love the queen anne’s lace arrangement!! The books are yet another centerpiece idea. Hubbie and I are bookies (although I’m nowhere near half a bookie as Hubbie is) so this set-up is totally appealing to us.

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Booked! Manila Philharmonic Orchestra, Quartet. Hubbie and I love music hence having good music is a must for us. I only booked the male singer though. Their female singer (sampler) belted out Lea’s “Two Words”. Sure she would be great during the reception wherein the place is quite huge. But not in Caleruega. Previously, Hubbie and I didn’t like Bernie’s female singer as well. Although MPO’s singer is better than Bernie’s I think, still, it was a bit too strong. I want it to be sang as softly as Lea sang it. Or the way I sang it… hehehe joke. Anyways, we’re still on a search for the best female singer.And oh by the way, we got a discount of 1000php owing to booking them during the fair.