life with a grade schooler: the pen case

This evening, for the nth time, you cleaned your pencil case. And I got curious why you were very determined in making it clean whereas last year, there seemed to have been a competition in your class on who’s got the dirtiest pen case.

And then you dropped the bombshell. Apparently all your classmates have new pencil cases. Instead of asking me for a new one though, you cleaned your old one.

I didn’t buy you a new one in this school year because your pen case was still not broken. Just dirty. I didn’t tell you this. Baut baby, you just gave me yet another reason to be proud of you.

Hatsuhinode 2020

We thought we won’t be seeing the sunrise this morning. Sunrise was supposed to be at 6:50, but it was still gray clouds and already daybreak at 5 past 7. A lot of people actually already left. Disappointed.

And then suddenly the horizon was golden. I am so glad I stayed.

Beautiful. I couldn’t catch with my camera how the whole sun shone on us for a few seconds. And may those few moments of the golden sunrise keep the glow in us the whole year through.

life with a grade schooler: leader!

Was telling you last night how I’d be late in coming home because I had to attend an important party with our Clients and that in my Company, only the leaders in my project were invited.

With wide and proud eyes, you exclaimed, “Mommy, you are leader?”

Even at pre-school, you’ve always been proud whenever it was your turn to be the leader. And from the snippets that I’ve seen, you’ve been a fine leader so far. We’re gonna have lots of talks yet of what it takes to be a leader and the struggles and joys of being one (and for the record I’m still a work-in-progress myself). But for the mean time, I relished at the marvel in your face upon learning your Mom is a leader. I wanted to instil that in you. And I wanted you to think, even at a young age, that mothers can make their mark in conservative Japan corporate culture. There are a lot of struggles as the corporate culture is still changing to accommodate us Moms. But we’re getting there, baby. And I hope you’ll be encouraged too, and inspired, and be a trailblazer.

life with a grade schooler: Wisdom beyond your years

Late last night, I told you how I had a tough day and how my boss rudely scolded me in front of the whole project team because of a (minor) mistake done by one of my subordinates.

With an indignant huff, you said you cannot understand this. That I should tell my boss today that another person’s mistake is not my mistake.

My child, please do not loose that fire.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! 小学校1年入学式

As preps for your grade school life, we’ve been to your school three times before today’s 入学式 /Entrance Ceremony. And I must admit all those three visits have been less than ideal; what with many issues to resolve and many confusing things to sort out.

But today, today was very nice. Beautiful weather. We weren’t late. We weren’t confused. Everything was orderly. Everything went really nice. There were things we didn’t know, they were a lot. But we sorted them out with beaming faces and hopeful hearts.

And I pray the same for you as you start your journey in your school life. I pray you have passion, a generous and brave heart and soul. God bless you, our dear one. Congratulations!

Hatsuhinode 2019

Welcome beautiful 2019!!

I usually do the countdown and the cleaning thereafter. So never, in my entire life, have I tried to catch the first sunrise of the year.

Hence I was surprised with the well of emotions I felt, seeing the beautiful orange rays of the sun shining through dark, ominous clouds. Suffice to say I was moved to tears.

Thank you, Lord, for this beauty and for this new year!


Didn’t have any difficulty waking Yui up and from making her walk for thirty minutes so early in the morning. She was so excited! Grateful for this beautiful start of the year, and with good friends at that too!