autumn sunset

Being able to see this beauty every working day, when the weather is fine, is absolutely one great blessing to be thankful for.

I’m afraid my phone camera didn’t give the place justice though.

I actually turn speechless when I get up from my seat and look up and see everything bathed in gold and surrounded by the blue sea. Absolutely beautiful.



to friendship and nature

Spent the day with one of my bestfriends, Maj. The friendship, the laughter, the good talk over good food and good scenery leaves much to be thankful for (not to mention the really beautiful, glittering gift!! – thank you Maj!). I’m really happy that even when we only get to see each other every other month or so, the deep friendship and respect is always there. Thankful. 🙂

Thankful for hubs as well to have prodded me to go shopping since I’m in Tokyo anyways. Mottainai daw. And thankful for Maj to oblige and accompany me even when she’s not really into shopping. 🙂

After good food (will feature it later in, before heading to Harajuku for some shopping, we dropped by Maj’s favorite koen (garden). So glad that she shared this scenic place, Koishikawa koen (小石川こえん).

Our only regret though was that we both forgot to bring our cameras with us. Hence, we had to make do with our iPhones. I’m quite satisfied with some, but then again, I don’t claim to be a photography enthusiast/expert. 🙂 Still, I’m sharing some here, unedited.




Autumn colors on water.




And of course, there’s nothing like koyou with the perfectly blue sky as the backdrop.





As with most sizable Japanese gardens, Koishikawa also sells the traditional green tea and wagashi (和菓子). Wagashi is the traditional red beans sweets which is usually paired with green tea and comes in über pretty designs. Agree? This one even have a dash of gold on the sakura leaf.



We ended the day shopping in Harajuku. And Harajuku being Harajuku, there were lots of people on cosplay. To quote Maj, this shot was just perfect to cap a great day.


Thanks Maj! Till next bonding time! 🙂
Was about to go to sleep but I just had to share this. Today’s reading is about waiting for God’s perfect timing. It brought a smile on my face as thankfully I muttered, “God’s perfect timing is sleeping right here beside me”. 🙂

autumn on November 30

We’ve been so busy lately that we haven’t really been to the countryside to experience autumn. Here in the city, I feel like autumn took a long time in coming. And even when it came, the visit was so short. Short though it may be, yet still beautiful.


Fuji in autumn

Autumn is just the season when everything is bathed in gold at sunset. Breathtakingly beautiful. Absolutely.

Was so thrilled when we saw these framed photos of Mt. Fuji in autumn on the train platform in the station nearest our home. Sorry for the bad angles, tried my utmost to avoid the reflection of the platform lights.





