Using the Sketchbook app in her iPad Pro. She said she made up this new character. Seems like he’s a cross between a cow and a reindeer.

Using the Sketchbook app in her iPad Pro. She said she made up this new character. Seems like he’s a cross between a cow and a reindeer.
Yui already maxed out her screen time for the day (one hour for programming-related, another one hour for any video-related, and time limit for late night iPad time in which she can’t access anything, even google/safari) but I still have not finished my chores. She also read at least three books for the day already and she wasn’t in the mood to read anymore. So, she took out her colouring pencils, and created this.
Asked her if she copied them somewhere, to which she answered no, they are her “originals”.
Of course the strokes need quite some refinement, but it’s the creativity that I appreciate. And even more so, that she can entertain herself while waiting for me.
The anime Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer has seen explosive popularity from when it was launched last year. Based on a manga which was first published 2016, the animation version was so good it received numerous awards from last year, including best theme song.
Indeed when we saw the first episode, even I got hooked. But I found the second episode too violent hence I did not allow Yui to watch any further. She hasn’t stopped talking about it since, though. It’s just everywhere! Plus it’s very popular at school/after-school. Thankfully a novelised version is now available, sans the very graphic illustrations (or at least limited). That’s what Yui bought yesterday, her first book purchase out of her allowance/pocket money.
She’s so passionate with the series that last night, she drew her own character to join Tanjiro’s band of heroes. Meet Kizuna. She has emerald green hair, and star pupils, and she turns to a dragon when she fights demons. Excuse the slight cleavage though. Yui reasoned that the dress would be too tight if it’s closed.
You’ve been raving about Nausicaā recently. And I’m glad of your choice as she’s one great heroine. Of course you tried to draw her. You ended making your own stories about her.
How confident you were to make some sketches using a ball pen.
This invokes a number of emotions.
Your flower girl is Little Nugget whose gender we still don’t know as Nugget is still four months in gestation.
Essentially you’re only six years older so Nugget should be more like the Maid of Honour, not flower girl.