home interior inspiration board – World Porters edition

We’re currently lounging under this incredibly blue early autumn sky, the landmark towering over us and the wind ruffling our hair. There’s a couple of unknown nationality near us, making out, in plain sight; enjoying just as everyone else is enjoying this perfectly great weather.


We just scoured the 4th floor of the World Porters, still visible from the hill we’re currently on, sipping our coffee, sitting on the grass.


The wife and homemaker part of me got excited as we looked around the whole floor, concocting up home furnishing preferences as we go.

I realize though that I have to at least get started with an inspiration board or at least a collection of a motley of the designs that I liked so that later on, I/we can decide on the final theme of our home. Because currently, there doesn’t seem to be a theme that’s trending when it comes to my preference on home furnishing. Some days I like it rustic. Some days I like it Asian. Some days I like it elegant. Some days I like it modern art deco.

So it’s best to gather them all first and then decide later on when it’s time to decide.

Clocks. I love these quirky ones.




Loved this corner set.


But Hubs says it’s too big for the two of us, for now. This one though is just perfect for the tatami room, for the two of us.


I’m not one for elaborate crystal chandeliers. I prefer these.









So liked this pretty throw pillow.


As well as this dainty bed cover.


Wall hooks.



These fashionable pots caught hubby’s eye of course.


And and! I just love this center table.



All of these inside a house with bricks of these shades.


Utopia? We dearly hope not.

And oh let’s not forget the carpets.



Fell in love the first time I saw the second carpet above in that I was ecstatic when there was a smaller version of it, on sale at 1980yen! Just perfect by our front door.


Made another purchase as well, in Village Vanguard, located on the 3rd floor. Garbage are collected here on Japan on a certain schedule. For our area, burnables and perishables are on Monday and Friday, PET bottles and glass on Tuesday, etc etc (yes, segregation is the word). Hence we need to store the perishable garbage in a closed compartment to keep the stink from contaminating the house. Problem is, your perishables garbage bin (yes, because of segregation you end up having a number of bins) would be forever stinky and you have to wash it every now and then. But it’s difficult for me to do that. When I saw this, my problem was solved. It has a cover and yet your garbage goes directly to the garbage bag hence there’s no container that’s forever stinky.



Can’t wait to set these up when we get home!!! But first, badminton. šŸ™‚

music corner

It truly was a productive long weekend, mostly with home prepping. Dining table delivered at last by Watanabe Furniture Shop, the friendly neighborhood shop although i’m yet to decorate it. As expected, dining table came in pieces. Watanabe-san and his apprentice set it all up and gave us, as part of their service, the Indonesian malong that they used in their display. Yay!

The two DIY bookshelves (each as tall as Atsushi and twice his width) were also delivered and it’s already 95% filled as of last night. Yet, we’re barely 1/4 done in arranging the books. Some books may have to be sold/donated/thrown away. We ordered for 2 more bookshelves and thankfully, they’re not DIY so it’ll be easier. Yes, it’ll be a home cum library and I am not complaining. A lot of Atsushi’s books are really interesting with a WIDE selection of topics, making me want to learn Japanese and fast. MineĀ are more on fantasy and novels. šŸ˜€

Anyways, we also DIY-ed the shelf for the mini-music corner. Bought it at Tokyu Hands and since we want to get immediately started on organizing the mini-corner, we opted to carry it home instead of having it delivered. See how truly thoughtful the Japanese customer service is. They put a foam on the bag handle to protect our hands. How thoughful!

Japan is probably the DIY-country, where you can DIY a lot of stuff. Found the perfect corner stand I had in mind albeit we have to DIY it. But it was pretty easy to assemble so it was just perfect.

Behold, the stand adjuster – just in case you have uneven flooring.

BEFORE: Music corner withĀ a boxful of music scores.

AFTER: Tada! šŸ™‚

The music scores kept piling up after this shot as we “unearthed” more scores in the other boxes. We’re yet to look for four (yes, four!) guitar stands for Atsushi’s guitars but as Hubbie said, maybe we’ll just display two, for now. Atsushi told me to try and learn playing his base guitar – I have never been as pressured…HELP!!!

Oh, just now, we had another earthquake. Thankfully, the music corner held.

home interior design!

Excited and pre-occupied seems like an understatement to how we are these days. But we ain’t complaining of course, we’re loving every minute of it!! “Ichi go ichi e” as one of our favorite mentor and one of our ninong Nagano-san, told us. Make the most out of every moment, do your best with what is at hand because you only pass by this moment once. =)

So on top of beating deadlines, dealing with office drama and finding our way in this engineering maze, Hubbie and I have to process some very important paperwork, prepare for our perfect and beautiful wedding and prepare for ourselves a beautiful home as well. Hence, in between obtaining important documents andĀ researching for good wedding detail ideas, we need to keep an eye open as well on home decor ideas. Got started yesterday. And i sure am loving every minute of it.

Three essential tips on home interior designing that i’ve learned so far:

  1. keep a single theme
  2. for small condos, invest on vertical decors andĀ furnishings that adds to the illusion of length
  3. for small condos, keep light and pastel colors on your furnishings and decors to help add to the illusion of space

I know mirrors do add to the illusion of space, but i’m not too keen on keeping a big one – yes, i’d just get scared with it at midnights.

This one would be great in our tatami-floored living room, in front of the kutatsu, hehe! But it’s at 30,000pesos!! So it probably would remain as just an “idea”.

The cheery brown wood version of this lamp would be perfect on the corner of our living room

Hubbie and I both agree we’ve got to have live green (and flowering if possible!) plants inside our house. This wooden stand with multiple levels having plants and picture frames with our photos alternately decorating its shelves would be lovely on the corner of our dining room.

Plants and a candleĀ atop its rocky ceramic holder would be great on our toilet. We still don’t know what to do with that weird condensate piping though……suggestions are very much welcome.

You got to make the most out of the space you have in your condo hence a couch with drawers underneath would be very efficient.

My dream house in mind has got bay windows in it. Our condo now do have a pseudo-bay window albeit it can’t fit our butts in it. But it has got enough space for a lampshade and a vase of flower hence i’m thankful with it already. Plus, with the lampshade up there, we can have more space on the floor for someĀ other what-nots.

So, till the next home decor ideas hopping! Hopefully my next post is all about entourage flowers. =)