
We have a project party tomorrow and I wanted to bail out of it. Partly because I want to walk home together with hubs. And equally because I have singaw. And it hurts like crazy so much so that I haven’t eaten properly the last two days and I haven’t been talking too much neither. So imagine going to a party where there’s lots of eating and talking to happen. Torture.

Singaw is the Filipino term for those blisters inside your mouth or tongue. Bisaya call it kainit.

Earlier in the evening, when I still didn’t know what is the English term for singaw, I was telling hubs that I’d tell my boss my reason on not joining the party by sticking out my tongue and showing him the blister. Hubby doubled over and went red laughing. I just love making him laugh.

As I looked over the Internet though on the English for singaw, I found THIS article. It was my turn to double over with laughter.

With THAT article though, I learned that the official English term is cold sore or canker sore. Or better yet I’ll just say kounaien which is the Japanese term for this bothersome affliction.

Just came across THIS article. And am thankful we live in Japan. They do have a medicine for it. Hurray!

Am still not decided though whether to go to the party. Oh singaw, please be away.