Just Show Up

I’m reminded today of how important this is.

Last night our project lead commented harshly on my Team’s output. I was so bothered with it and the feeling of being incompetent and impostor pervaded within me the whole night and the following morning. Curiously and thankfully I could sleep well. My thoughts and feelings were so grey the following morning that the only thing that made me wanting to go to office was because I committed to prepare a document that needs to be turned in by 10:30am (btw bus schedule and all, I arrived at the office at 10am; I turned it in at 10:28am and was returned without comments, ready to be issued.

And as today wore on, things unfolded in a way that validated my reasoning last night. I was right after all.

My decisions were right after all.

If I hadn’t showed up today, if I called and feigned sickness, I wouldn’t have known that.

Just show up.

I’m glad I just showed up today.

Life with a grade schooler: “From now on”

We started our juku journey technically from September 2023 when we started to try enter Sapix by taking their entrance exams.

We tried twice. Unfortunately we couldn’t pass, as we absolutely did not do any kind of studying whatsoever. In fact, you couldn’t even have more than 3 correct answers for all four subjects (National Language/Math/Science/Social Studies).

Despite the failure, this was a positive experience for us though. As I got to learn your mindset. When I asked you how was the exam, your consistent answer was: I haven’t learned it yet.


There could be kids/ people who’d say: I can’t do it. I’m not good enough.

But thankfully you didn’t say that. Your reply was instead one with a growth mindset. Thank you my dear Yui.

And then last 7/7, we took our first mock exam. We had to do it so that juku can prep you further depending on your results. And then come summer end, we take another mock test again.

When I asked you how you fared compared to Sapix exams, you said, I think I improved by 30%.

To which I exclaimed “what?! After six months only 30%?!”.

Your calm reply: Mommy what are you talking about?! That just means that from now on I will exponentially improve!

And so with that I got speechless.

Thank you my dear baby. God bless you.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! 小学校6年

As we walked under the fully bloomed sakura trees earlier today, I asked you how it felt to now be on 6th grade. You said it’s almost unbelievable you’re the seniors now as it was just yesterday that you were in 1st grade. Indeed, indeed. And for me, it seemed just like yesterday that I held a cheerful baby in my arms.

For the spring break, literally, we Oohhhed and ahhhed at the places we went to in Europe. But that’ll be for another blog.

For now, I am wishing you well as you start an exciting year for you.

Just this evening I read your previous homeroom teacher’s assessments of you (we didn’t have time last March as we had to fly early the day following your last day at school) and read about her compliments on how you take on leadership roles at school.

You have it in you, baby. I can see that. And I hope you’ll continue to nurture that ability and learn more, so you could lead with wisdom.

She still has that baby dimples on her hands🥰

Impulse’ Sort the Trash

Am using this certain app for daily brain exercises but they have this one game called Sort the Trash which got me frustrated at first because they only have two classes of segregation: paper / plastic.

If you’re living in Japan, your brain already automatically classifies types of trash so the game was too simple yet challenging for me since it unravels what was already wired on my brain.
So of course I wrote a comment about the game and sent an email to the game developer. Learned today that their Sort the Trash now has four categories: paper / plastic / organic / Glass.
Good job, Impulse! 😅

Dance Like No One is Watching

Indeed it was that kind of night.

I started dancing in my head as I listened to Adam Lambert’s and The Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now”. I even have this smile on my face and I’m pretty sure the girl sitting in front of me on the train was laughing at me. I don’t care. I don’t think she’s watching.

And then when I got home, my super random Spotify liked songs playlist supported me with my mood.

Gangnam Style, My Life, For Once in My Life, Tell Him, Express Yourself (all from Glee).

Feels. So. Good.

Hmmm, I just might enrol on a dance class now, instead of my current Solfege/piano…..