baby diaries: proud and happy

It’s difficult to leave you behind at the daycare, Yui, when you’re crying. But it’s even more difficult to leave you when you’re all smiles and you’re eagerly showing your new moves. Moves that are quite so varied nowadays albeit it’s mostly trying to stand and sit from tummy down without holding on to something.

And you know what? Even when everything is so new to you, even when you’re just practicing and that it’s understandable to look awkward, you’re far from looking awkward at all. All the movements you make, they’re so fluid and graceful, they even look measured, as if you’re assessing your next move first before you act on it.

Mom remembers, several months ago, that time when your movements were more limited, you were playing on your crib and your toy fell on Mommy’s bed. It was within your arms’ reach albeit lower so you leaned to retrieve it. But when it fell again and rolled somewhere just a bit farther, you looked at it, looked at the elevation distance between your bed and Mommy’s bed, tried to extend your arm but seeing it’s a bit far, decided to ignore your toy. It was amazing to see it as it shows Mommy that at a very young age, you show some critical thinking already.

Your first steps a couple or so months ago, albeit it was assisted by Mom (or Dad), we found it beautiful. Probably all parents feel this towards their babies, no matter how wobbly it was. Yet still baby, you were so graceful. Mom would always remember that first time as a tender, sweet memory.

Before Mom left you off at the daycare today, your feet was firmly on the floor, looking as if any moment now you’d push yourself up and stand, unassisted. But what lingered with Mommy more was your big and happy smile, looking up at Mom beaming with pride at your efforts, your cheeks a pretty blush. That touched Mommy in so many wonderful ways anak and that moment would probably be one of Mommy’s treasured memories.

Grow well anak. We love you.

baby diaries: more hugs and kisses

Mommy yet again have fever and colds anak. Yet even when the dawn and morning had been pretty “eventful” from having had to change the sheets and your clothes twice, Mommy still have the energy to go on. And Mommy owes it to you. Because despite your very bad cough and your stye, you’re still your cheery self, giving Mommy and everyone else that beautiful big smile of yours. And when Mommy coughs (or even hiccup!) you would look at Mommy inquiringly while murmuring something, with an expression that’s quite akin to concern – yet another proof how empathetic you are.

Your body must be working double time now, adjusting from your new environment, new food whilst learning new motor skills (you try to stand up on your own now!). And you’re teething besides! Yet you didn’t make it all the more harder for Mommy by behaving, by not being fussy – main reasons why your paediatrician is not worried even when you have lost some weight already.

So I thank you.

Mommy sits here in the office during lunch break and all I could think of is how Mommy should have given you two extra hugs and kisses this morning, more than the usual. Albeit your teachers already always say “ii na” (wow that feels good), whenever I kiss and hug you goodbye.

I miss you anak even when we’re just apart for 8 hours. Let’s do our best shall we? 🙂

baby diaries: first kiss

You were such a charmer today Yui. Everyone who coos and looks at you you would lavish with a big cheery smile hence you got quite a lot of compliments today.

During lunch, after one of your recent “explosions”, you were happily playing on my lap. You were moving a lot that you were at one time facing away from Mommy or towards Mommy. You were then facing me when suddenly you extended your arm and HUGGED me and then – the most surprising – kissed me! Well it’s more like “slobbered on my cheeks and chin” but it’s the thought that counts 😀

Hugged and kissed for the first time. Ahh. I don’t think I’m quipped with enough words to fully describe how GOOD that felt. Thank you baby.

Moms are weird

Moms are weird.

During Yui’s first days at the daycare, my heart weeps as I see Yui bawl with my goings and comings. Her Dad and I worried as her teacher wrote in Yui’s renraku note (the notebook wherein Yui’s teacher writes about Yui’s daily activities & condition & sleeping time and where I put the same for how Yui was at night and in the morning) that Yui didn’t eat much, cried a lot and didn’t sleep much as well. I worry.

And then yesterday, Yui’s teacher said that as usual when I left, Yui cried. But when she showed up (I left Yui to another teacher), Yui smiled at her and actually smiled many times that day. My heart twitches because Yui is now bonding up with one of her caretakers. But of course proud as well because as Hubs puts it, Yui’s friendly character is finally showing through.

And then today when I left my daughter in the daycare, she didn’t cry anymore. She doesn’t look particularly happy, in fact she looks sad. But she wasn’t crying, which is a big improvement. Probably there’ll come a time when the sight of her teachers would elicit a smile on her face. And I think any mother would understand the warring emotions I felt earlier/would feel in the future (for the smiling part) – the heartbreak that your child is becoming more independent from you and the happiness & pride because of her independence.

I chanced upon one of our Japanese wedding Ninong (godfather) earlier in the office elevator hall and told him of the different emotions with Yui’s independence. And with a laugh, he summarised: “if case A, you worry. If it’s case B and the opposite of case A, you still worry. Yes, yes. That’s how mothers are”.

And how right he is indeed.

Yet, there’s the glowing pride in seeing your child is coping well.

Grow well, anak.