3 on 30

Many things to be thankful today!

Hubs and I are celebrating our second Church wedding day anniversary.
Always a joy to relive the wedding day memories and the preps
And today marks a momentous day for our daughter as today will be her nyuuenshiki (入園式)/kindergarten entrance ceremony albeit she’s still not in kindergarten. Suffice it to say I and hubs are so excited for her. This will sort of be my “launching” too to finally be oriented first hand about the Japanese education system. (Which reminds me I still haven’t written about the daycare orientation meeting we had a couple of weeks back).

Last but not least, today also marks the day that I’ll go back to work. It’s just on paper though as I still need to take some leave to consider Yui’s adjustment at the daycare. In a week, it’ll be my first day too!

And for all these blessings and excitement, thank you Po, Lord. 🙂

baby diaries: sensitive

Usually bedtime is snuggle up time with you Yui. But this evening, right after bath, you already mellowed down. And after burping your last milk intake for the night, you readily went to sleep without Mommy having had the need to sing lullabies. Even while we were still having dinner and you waited for us in your high chair, you seem to notice Mom and Dad are busy. We had to prepare for Dad’s business trip, see.

Thank you Yui Moirraine for being sensitive. Mom and Dad are so thankful.

Yui’s going to daycare!

It has been a long and tiring day. But one that’s definitely filled with blessings, (mis)adventures and laughter.

The first and biggest blessing for the day? We received our most awaited mail these days – the letter from the ward office informing us of the results of our daycare application.

Our application got accepted! And to our top choice at that (nearest daycare from our house; we applied for three centres) and one that’s a montessori! Yey! I thought montessoris here in Japan are only restricted to (super expensive) private schools. Apparently no. And our daughter is going to one. Yey! And it’s a branch that is newly built at that hence all facilities are new! Yey! And because Yui can go to daycare, I can go back to work. Yey!!

Thankful. And as hubs has been saying, like a miracle. See, we missed the first deadline of applications (by just a day!!) and so belonged to the second batch of applicants. Thinking the first batch will be prioritised, we were afraid we wouldn’t have a slot anymore and would have to resort to sub-accredited day cares or (shiver, because it’s so expensive!!!) private non-government supported day care. I don’t want to put Yui on a sub accredited day care but we also can’t afford a private one (2 million yen per year for tuition alone!!). So our best recourse while waiting – praying. It was an answered prayer indeed. 🙂

And oh. This one gave us goosebumps. Usual first day of all schools here in Japan including daycares is April 1. However, since the daycare we applied for is new, it will have a different start date. Yui’s first day of school is on April 30. This day has been special to Atsushi and me before in that we decided to have our wedding day on this day. And now Yui is starting school on April 30. Very nice. 🙂

thank you

Turned a year “wiser” (hopefully!) today. There is much to be thankful for. There were heartaches in the past year, yes. But it’s part of life and of growing up. Definitely there’s lots of blessings to be thankful for. The baby in my arms just before she slept and a bear hug from hubs before turning in for the night – great way to cap a birthday.

Happy. Contented. Blessed. Thankful. And excited too! 🙂

Thank you Lord. 🙂

Look alike

Hubs and I were admiring Yui as she was also beaming at us.
M: I love her lower lip.
A: I love her upper lip.
M: honto? But she got it from me. It’s similar to mine.
A: I know. I’ve known that the first time I saw her. That’s why I love it.

Happy. Thankful.