3 on 30

Many things to be thankful today!

Hubs and I are celebrating our second Church wedding day anniversary.
Always a joy to relive the wedding day memories and the preps
And today marks a momentous day for our daughter as today will be her nyuuenshiki (入園式)/kindergarten entrance ceremony albeit she’s still not in kindergarten. Suffice it to say I and hubs are so excited for her. This will sort of be my “launching” too to finally be oriented first hand about the Japanese education system. (Which reminds me I still haven’t written about the daycare orientation meeting we had a couple of weeks back).

Last but not least, today also marks the day that I’ll go back to work. It’s just on paper though as I still need to take some leave to consider Yui’s adjustment at the daycare. In a week, it’ll be my first day too!

And for all these blessings and excitement, thank you Po, Lord. 🙂