life with a kindergartener: Yui got the gold medal

When I arrived at the daycare and was putting on my owabaki, as I glanced inside the Teachers’ room, I saw another class’ head teacher signal to your head teacher that I have arrived. Your head teacher then got out and approached me with a serious face.

Her first line was that she has a good news for me. But I was very confused because her face was very serious and hence I could not expect there really is a good news coming. And as she went on, I understood why her face was serious.

It was because you got the Gold medal in a drawing contest among almost 300 four- and five-year olds.

Your daycare have 13 branches and on September, there will be a festival gathering all daycares. As part of the program, there is a drawing contest. Sometime in this August, all four-year-olds and five-year-olds were asked to draw something. I understood that the theme was to draw what each of you would like to become. You drew an ostrich. And your drawing won, not only because of the quality of drawing but also because of the composition.

Your head teacher asked if I’d like to see a photo of your work on their camera or whether I can wait during the awarding ceremony during the festival. EQ test!! I chose the latter and goodness, how difficult it is now. Awarding is still a month away!!!!

But, oh baby, I am soooo proud of you. And to think I never did anything at help you in this contest endeavour. You did a great job. Your head teacher, Sugawara, doesn’t even think it’s due to her teaching.

It’s all because of your own effort and imagination.

I’m proud of you. And thank you for working hard.