down with colds

Had to take half day leave today because my colds has started getting bad again, with tears streaming down my left eye. Thankfully we’ve already finished the re-HAZOP yesterday so there wasn’t anything urgent that I had to attend to today. Perfect timing, ze colds.

Spent the whole afternoon sleeping so I’m hoping I’d get to sleep early this evening still. I don’t want to take the day off again tomorrow since I only have pretty much a month before I take my maternity leave.

Hubs came home bringing a whole melon (the yellow variety, cantaloupe?) which I’ve been crazy for for the past weeks (honeydew and cantaloupe alike; no watermelon please), plums and cherries. We ate everything. So I’m hoping I had a good dose of vitamins there to help me recuperate. Thanks Hubs!

One thing I’m thankful as well. As I lie in bed, I can feel baby kicking left and right; sometimes even left and right AT THE SAME TIME. I don’t have twins so I don’t know how she does that haha. But I ain’t complaining. She can keep on kicking to her heart’s content. 🙂

Vie de France’ sesame and banana juice

I love sesame dressing. Hence I’d love to hug whoever has concocted this nutty, fruity drink – black sesame and banana juice.


For those who love peanut butter on banana, you’d surely love this shake as well. And it’s very healthy to boot! Sesame seeds

are a very good source of the minerals copper and manganese and are also a good source of magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, selenium, zinc, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats.

(for more info on the healthy goodness of sesame seeds, click here.). And of course, everyone knows that bananas are high in potassium, dietary fiber and Vitamin B6.

Now, I’ve read TONSsss of literature related to what to eat and what Not to eat when pregnant but it is only now, when I was searching for health benefits of sesame seeds that I came across key words about sesame seeds being not advisable for pregnant women. Further research showed this to be a myth however (read THIS and THIS).