life with a toddler: conversation between oyabaka/overdoting parents

Hubs: Have you seen Yui’s latest drawing that got posted at daycare wall? It already looks like an illustration; with composition; not like a toddler’s impromptu drawing anymore. There’s a pond, fish. And tree too. ….oyabaka desu ka ne……

Me: Er….. if you are pertaining to the drawing I saw yesterday, you certainly are oyabaka hehe. I’ll check later if we’re talking of the same drawing. 

~a couple of seconds~

Me: hmmm. I haven’t interpreted it as you do but I actually think Yui’s drawing is the best in her class. Haha, fine, I admit I’m oyabaka. Admit you’re oyabaka too. 

I checked at daycare. We were really talking of the same drawing. I have to have some crash course though in arts appreciation. ๐Ÿ˜€   

life with a toddler: when Mom is on forced bed restย 

When at home on a weekend or holiday, I rarely take an afternoon nap; unless of course I’ve caught terrible colds and cough. I consider those afternoons as a “me time” which is mostly to read or do the week’s ironing whilst listening to music. Truthfully, I welcome those ironing moments as it gives me the quiet time to reflect and think and yet be productive still (sheepish grin).  

Almost two weeks ago, Yui caught a high fever that’s lasted for almost a week. Thankfully, she got over it already. Truth be told, it was one of the most difficult time we had a parents. And as expected, I followed after. It’s worrisome, this tonsillitis, as I have an impending business trip – I have to put the house in order before my flight and of course I have to prepare for the task at hand. 

Yesterday (a Monday), I went to the office after visiting the clinic (my second doctor in a week) to make sure to issue some deliverables that may be required for my business trip; thinking of issuing them ASAP so that I can go home and take two days leave to recuperate from my tonsillitis and recover my voice. My boss learned I had 38degC fever over the weekend and strongly asked me to go home to rest. But my drive to knot loose ends was stronger so I told him I will stay until I’ve issued the last document. This left a small smile on his face. One hour after, he again strongly told me to go home (see, he is normally a scary person). My answer: one last document and I’ll be going home in 15 minutes. That same small smile on him again. And yes, I’m always headstrong when I’m driven with a passion; aren’t we always are?

And so now I’m on forced bed rest when even on a weekend, I don’t take naps. Forced because I know I have to rest to recover fast and prepare for my trip. Forced because I know this time, I really did maxed out my immune system. I can’t even do my “relaxing” ironing because it makes me dizzy. 

When us working moms living away from our parents get sick, it really poses a challenge. Yet a reminder for me not to overdo things. 

Yet, there’s so much to be thankful for. First of course is Hubs, who has been doing a great job taking care of Yui that our little one is all smiles and giggles recently. Yui’s sensitive side too, is more apparent during times like this. When she sees me lying in bed, she lies down beside me and holds my hand, giving me a smile whenever I open my eyes. What a sweet child you are anak. And your Dad and I are so thankful to God for giving you to us. 

life with a toddler: a grateful heart

Perhaps, one thing that Mommy and Daddy is thankful for, Anak, is that you have a grateful heart. 

There were times when you really like what Mommy served in the table; in that you not only say “oishi/delicious” several times and not just simply say “gochisousama deshita/it’s been a good meal” (both in themselves already enough motivation for Mommy to cook even better). You also say a hearty “arigatou gozaimashita” with a big, satisfied smile on your face. 

After giving you a bath, you also loudly say “arigatou gozaimashita”. Or sometimes you say it in a sweet tone and a sweet smile whilst looking deep into Mommy’s eyes, “arigatou ne, Mommy”. 

Even when Mommy is tired, it simply dissipates whenever your express your grateful heart. 

Mom and Dad pray that you’ll continue to grow up with that grateful heart. Keep it up Anak. 

life with a toddler: big banana!

For the day’s artwork, your class was just simply asked to draw anything you like. Your sensei told us that you grabbed your yellow crayon and was loudly shouting, “big banana!!” Well, that is indeed big. 


Seeing your photo juxtaposed with those of your classmates’, one can easily see how passionate you are with bananas. ๐Ÿ™‚ 


baby diaries: Totoro

This is you, Yui, sleeping on top of Mommy for the most of our 2015 summer nights. I guess you got the idea from the movie Totoro in which Mei-chan slept on top of Totoro. Well, to be honest Mommy did complain of the weight every now and then. For the last four days though, you were already fast asleep by the time Mommy finishes the evening chores. So yes, Mommy missed playing Totoro. This is yet another reminder for Mommy and Daddy to always seize the moment where you are concerned. Love you, Anak. 


life with a toddler: I love you

July 11, 2015. 

Yui anak, you’re quite expressive with your affection; huge on smiles and warm, tight hugs. Being the receptiveness of those expressions is enough to put Mom and Dad in Cloud 9. 

But today, you said it back for the very first time. You told Mommy, “I love you”.

A big lump was on my throat. Thank you, dear. We love you much too.